Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Geography (MS)

Degree Level





Holland, Edward C.

Committee Member

Smith, Carl A.

Second Committee Member

Peter, Brad G.


Geography; Ghana; Migration; Population; Rural-urban migration; Urbanization


This study delves into the dynamics of rural-to-urban migration, emphasizing its impact on urbanization in the unique context of Ghana. As migration patterns evolve globally, understanding the motivations and challenges of internal migration is crucial for informed policy-making. The case study focuses on migrants from Northern Ghana to Accra, exploring factors propelling urbanization, challenges in urban job searches, and proposing strategies for managing urbanization. The research uses a comprehensive methodology to draw on extensive data from the 2021 Population and Housing Census. Utilizing thematic reports on migration, economic activities, background characteristics, and education, the study employs descriptive and inferential statistical tools for detailed analysis. Geospatial software, including ArcGIS Pro and Google Earth Engine, is also leveraged to map spatial migration patterns and examine land use changes. Additionally, the use of imaginative image-making served as a route for analyzing the objectives of the research. The objectives include unraveling the motivations behind rural-to-urban migration, scrutinizing challenges faced by migrants, and proposing strategies for urbanization control. The study adopts a case study design for its suitability in investigating the complexities of the migration phenomenon, particularly focusing on the experiences of rural migrants in Accra. While past studies explored urbanization and migrant livelihoods, this study uniquely unveils the challenges rural migrants face in their job searches. Moreover, it extends beyond causative factors to offer practical suggestions for managing and controlling urbanization in the studied context. The findings aim to inform policymakers, urban planners, and researchers alike, providing valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of rural-to-urban migration and its implications for urban development in Ghana.
