

We conducted an analysis of the vegetation of the maple-leaved oak sites on Sugarloaf and Magazine Mountains, Arkansas, during September and October of 1993. The woody vegetation was sampled using the point-quarter method; on Sugarloaf Mountain five transects were sampled (950 m) and on Magazine Mountain four transects were sampled (710 m). Soil samples from each site were collected and analyzed for 15 factors. In total 27 species were recorded and measured for both sites, 18 for Sugarloaf and 19 for Magazine. The Sugarloaf site can be described as a Quercus-Juniperus community and the Magazine site can be described as a Juniperus-Carya-Fraxinus community. Qualitative observations for the maple leaved oak sites on Porter and Pryor Mountains, Arkansas, are also included.

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