Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science Education

Degree Level



Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders


Agan, Joseph Paul, 1969-

Committee Member/Reader

Hagstrom, Fran

Committee Member/Second Reader

Aslin, Larry W.


The purpose of this study is to determine what activities and/ or level of human interaction will prolong language and functionality in Alzheimer’s disease in order to showcase the importance of therapy for those affected with Alzheimer’s. The participants will include 50 Alzheimer’s patients’ family members or close friends. Twenty five of these should have a relative affected by AD and living on their own or with family, and twenty five should have a relative that lives in an assisted living facility or nursing home. Each of the living situations will represent the stage of the disease the patient is in (mild, moderate, severe). A survey developed from the literature will be used to collect the data. The surveys will be distributed to doctor’s offices, community centers, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes where family members of patients can voluntarily fill out and submit the surveys anonymously. The data will be analyzed descriptively.
