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Rice; Arkansas; Rice quality; Rice processing; Rice culture; Pest management; Breeding
Arkansas is the leading rice producer in the United States. The state represents 49.0% of total U.S. rice production and 49.6% of the total acres planted to rice in 2023. Rice cultural practices vary across the state and across the U.S. However, these practices are also dynamic and continue to evolve in response to changing political, environmental, and economic times. This survey was initiated in 2002 to monitor and record changes in the way Arkansas rice producers approach their livelihood. The survey was conducted by polling county extension agents in each of the counties in Arkansas that produce rice. Questions included topics such as tillage practices, water sources and irrigation methods, seeding methods, and precision leveling. Information from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture DD50 Rice Management Program was included to summarize the variety acreage distribution across Arkansas. Other data was obtained from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Hardke, J., Sha, X., & Bateman, N. (2024). B.R. Wells Arkansas Rice Research Studies 2023. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series. Retrieved from
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