Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Agricultural & Extension Education (MS)

Degree Level



Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology


Donna Graham

Committee Member

Jill Rucker

Second Committee Member

Stacey McCullough


Social sciences, Education, Arkansas, Ballot issue, Ballot issue education, Cooperative extension service, Voter, Voting


The University of Arkansas Division Of Agriculture’s Public Policy Center has educated Arkansas voters about statewide ballot issues for 10 years. The ballot issue education program, was evaluated during the 2014 election cycle to determine the program’s impact on voters. This descriptive study sought to describe program participants, to determine knowledge transfer of county agents, to describe knowledge acquisition of program participants, and to measure whether people who attended Cooperative Extension Service presentations made informed choices on Election Day. Researchers found that program participants were mostly older, educated, White women. There were increases in knowledge among participants who read fact sheets or attended a presentation. Ninety percent of the people who attended a presentation were confident in their choices on Election Day. The ballot education program was effective in increasing knowledge and assisting the participants in making informed choices.
