Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD)

Degree Level



Information Systems


Rajiv Sabherwal

Committee Member

Fred Davis

Second Committee Member

Mary Lacity

Third Committee Member

Vernon Richardson


Bring Your Own Device, BYOD, Differentiation, Integration, IT Investments, Technology Management


This dissertation examines how the management and configuration of organizational IT portfolios enhance organizations and their employees. Specifically, the theory of the differentiation and integration of information technologies is developed with in-depth examinations of "Bring-Your-Own-Device" (BYOD) policies. Four data collections are utilized: survey vignettes, case studies, agent-based simulations, and a questionnaire survey. Each essay uses a mixed-method approach providing insights into the selection, development, and management of ITs across individual and organizational levels.

Essay 1 explores the impact of BYOD on employees' performance, job satisfaction, and work-life conflicts. The results indicate that IT integration improves performance and job satisfaction, and reduces work-life conflicts. Alternatively, IT differentiation increases work-life conflicts while having no direct impact on performance or job satisfaction. However, the impact of IT differentiation is enhanced when increased IT integration is present in the organization's IT portfolio which in combination provides variety for individuals while ensuring reduced compatibility issues across employee tasks.

Essay 2 examines how organizations can configure their IT portfolios over time to meet the demands of varying task portfolios. The results provide insights into optimal levels of IT differentiation and IT integration for varying environments. Increased IT differentiation allows employees to utilize more efficient and effective technologies to meet their specific tasks. However, an increased level of IT integration is needed to meet the additional compatibility concerns arising from this IT differentiation.

Essay 3 examines how individual decision-making behaviors and organizational IT policies impact the configuration of IT differentiation and IT integration. A combination of online survey vignettes, agent-based simulations, and a questionnaire survey provides insights into how individuals and organizations can impact the IT portfolio over time. The results indicate that the claimed benefits of BYOD may not materialize unless the employees are choosing their provided technologies based on rational decisions.

This dissertation finds that BYOD polices may increase productivity and satisfaction for employees and organizations. However, organizations must ensure they examine their task portfolio, employee technology needs and knowledge, and IT policy attributes to ensure BYOD is the right solution. The results provide organizations increased knowledge to ensure increased performance from their IT decisions.
