Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Agricultural & Extension Education (MS)

Degree Level



Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology


Jefferson D. Miller

Committee Member

Jordan T. Shore

Second Committee Member

Jill Rucker


Agricultural Department Team, Collegiate Equestrian Team, Collegiate Ranch/Stock Horse Team


The purpose of this study was to describe characteristics of collegiate ranch horse teams and team member’s perceived benefits from participation. A lack of research and literature on this category of competition, that is rapidly growing in popularity, is the problem that this study was designed to solve. In recent years, students have begun choosing where to further their education based upon their participation on a ranch horse team. With collegiate ranch horse teams being prevalent, there is a need for a simplified presentation of facts about the teams that can be referenced. This study will be used to guide university administrators in their decisions to add and, or improve ranch horse teams. It also benefits perspective students, parents, and donors by giving them information when making decisions regarding their involvement with a ranch horse team. The study was completed in two separate articles.The purpose of the first article was to describe characteristics of collegiate ranch horse teams. The objectives were to describe coach and team demographics, describe organizational characteristics, describe team facilities and resources, and describe team operations. Daft’s (2016) Organization Theory was the guiding theory used for this article. A researcher created survey was sent via Qualtrics to all persons in a designated leadership position to every ranch horse team across the country. The survey included multiple open response style questions per objective. The responses were evaluated by the researcher and categorized by their answer. The frequencies and percentages of each category were reported. The main conclusion from the survey responses was that most teams operate with a mix of school and personal resources. The recommendation for science was to more clearly ask about the designated leader’s position within the school or university.
