Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Degree Level
Industrial Engineering
Sullivan, Kelly M.
Committee Member
Rainwater, Chase E.
Second Committee Member
Cassady, Richard
More than ever, a college education is necessary to remain competitive in the job market. Therefore, colleges are dedicating numerous resources to ensure student success. Nonetheless, one of the most important factors of student success is proper academic advising. Students at the University of Arkansas and more specifically within the department of Industrial Engineering department are fortunate to have access to fantastic advising. However, given the volume of students, academic advisors do not have the time to talk through the nuance of every student’s long-term academic plan. The department does provide an eight-semester plan; however, students who have deviated from the plan are left to try and understand course offerings, requisites, and subjective difficulties to develop their own long-term plan.
This research details the development and implementation of a decision support tool to aid University of Arkansas Industrial Engineering (IE) students in their long-term academic planning. Specifically, the Mixed Integer Linear Program of the IE curriculum is defined, the desktop application is described, and two common use cases are analyzed. Results showed that the decision support tool may provide future students with tremendous value in their discussion with their academic advisors about long-term plans.
Operations Research; Optimization; Course Planning
Loper, S. (2022). Academic Advising Support Tool: An Optimization Approach. Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from