

Bird sighting records from 1964 through 1978 for 17 northeastern Arkansas counties were compiled according to the seasonal status, relative abundance and habitat distribution of each species. The five seasonal occurrence categories and their relative species composition were: transient visitant (46.6%), summer resident (20.3%), winter resident (14.8%), permanent resident (17.2%) and winter visitant (1.0%). The seven seasonal abundance categories and their relative species composition were: very rare (13.9%), rare 15.9%), uncommon (30.7%), fairly common (10.5%), common (25.6%), very common (1.7%) and abundant (1.7%). Eleven habitat categories were included: campestrian, abandoned fields, forest edge, lowland woods, upland woods, riparian woods, marshes, mud flats, flooded fields, lakes and ponds, and edificarian. A total of 268 species were recorded over the 15 year period.
