Volume 5 (1952)
Entire Issue
Arkansas Academy of Science Proceedings - Volume 5 1952
Academy Editors
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
On Two New Species and New Distribution Records of Paraiulid Milipeds from the Eastern United States
Nell B. Causey
Terrestrial Isopoda of Arkansas
David Causey
Earthworms of Arkansas
David Causey
Oral and Branchial Movements of Developing Anuran Embryos and Larvae
James H. Fribourgh
Limnological Studies in Arkansas. I. Physico-chemical and Net Plankton Studies of Lake Fort Smith in Its Fourth Year of Impoundment
Carl E. Hoffman and David Causey
Physiology of Leaf Abscission
John M. Jackson
Effect of Different Ionic Ratios of Nutrients on the Growth Response of Young Cotton Plants
Freeman W. Snyder
Additonal New Records for the Arkansas Flora, II
Dwight M. Moore
Preparation of Sericea Paper Pulp
John D. Byrd
Methods and Problems in the Measurement of Economic Changes in States
Robert M. Soldofsky
Some Problems in the Construction of a Balance of Payments for an Intranational Region
Vance Q. Alvis
Financing the development of Industry in Arkansas
Arthur P. Thompson
Planning agency in State Government
William S. Bonner
Establishment of a Dictatorship in Florence in 1342
Marvin B. Becker
What is a Riemmian Manifold?
Frederick Griffin
Random Wave Form Generator
Zaboj V. Harvalik
X-Ray Investigations of Arkansas Graphites
John A. Doughty
Can Stimulus-Response Learning Theory Explain Abnormal Fixations?
Hardy C. Wilcoxon
Reaction Time in Word Association
Henry W. Sageser
Negro-White Differential Marital Fertility
Milton A. Lawson
Area Course in Action
Elizabeth Claiborne and Irving T. Beach
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
35th Annual Meeting, 1951. Program
Academy Editors
35th Annual Meeting, 1951. Secretary's Report
W. W. Grigorieff
35th Annual Meeting, 1951. Abstracts of Papers
Academy Editors
- Editor
- Carl E. Hoffman
- Editorial Board
- Dwight M. Moore
- William K. Noyce
- Leta M. Adler