Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Degree Level



Landscape Architecture


Biehle, Scott

Committee Member/Reader

Billig, Noah

Committee Member/Second Reader

Fredrick, David


This is a project about how landscape architects approach the landscape in their design process. Indigenous worldviews hold that the world is living and animate in its own right. When we consider stakeholder engagement in this light, the need arises to extend the definition of stakeholders to include the ecological communities of place – the flora, fauna, soils, and other non-human elements of place. To gather that input, I experimented with techniques to access a greater awareness of ecological community at two sites with different levels of urbanity and types of land management practices. This experimental approach was surprisingly successful in initiating a new sensitivity to the activities and processes of ecological community that suggest adding a phase of site sensing to the landscape design process. These experiments yielded more questions than answers yet offer much potential for further exploration


community engagement, landscape architecture design process, relational self, stakeholder engagement, indigenous ways of knowing, awareness opening

Available for download on Saturday, February 15, 2025
