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Year around school, low-income students, impact of summer learning

Series Title

Office for Education Policy

Series Number

Volume 08 Issue 04


There is growing discussion over the topic of extended learning opportunities throughout the state. For example, this past fall at the OEP conference in November, Arkansas Associctaion of Educational Administrators Director Richard Abernathy stated that additional instructional time may be needed in order to fulfill all the curricular requirements for schools. Citing the need for additional enrichment opportunities, a bill is making its way through the Arkansas Legislature to provide funding for after school and summer school programs. Additionally, and potentially of more consequence, is a bill sponsored by Senator David Johnson (D) of Little Rock to expand learning time for Arkansas public school students by allowing school districts to operate a two-hundred day school year (SB 267). Although the OEP does not advocate on behalf of any bill or issue before the state legislature, we do feel strongly about closing the achievement gap, and our advocacy of making data-driven policy decisions warrants comment on this issue.
