This page collects the publications and presentations of the faculty of the Department of Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.




Transporters in the Jejunum of Modern Broilers and Their Ancestor Wild Jungle Fowl, Nedra Abdelli, Alison Ramser, Elizabeth S. Greene, Lesleigh Beer, Travis W. Tabler, Sara K. Orlowski, Jose Francisco Perez, David Sola-Oriol, Nicholas B. Anthony, and Sami Dridi


Evaluation of Anti-hyperuricemic Effects of Alocasia longiloba Miq. (Keladi Candik) Extracts in Potassium Oxonate Induced Rat Model, Ferid Abdulhafiz, Arifullah Mohammed, Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan, Zulhazman Hamzah, Zulhisyam Abdul Kari, and Guillermo Tellez-Isaias


Thymosin β4 Dynamics During Chicken Enteroid Development, Mohan Acharya, Rohana Liyanage, Anamika Gupta, Komala Arsi, Ann M. Donoghue, Jackson O. Lay Jr., and Narayan Rath


Eating, Drinking and Locations of Broiler Chickens Reared Under Commercial Conditions with Supplementary Feeder Line Lighting, D. J. Aldridge, M. T. Kidd, and C. G. Scanes


Impact of Light Intensity or Choice of Intensity on Broiler Performance and Behavior, D. J. Aldridge, C. M. Owens, C. Maynard, M. T. Kidd, and C. G. Scanes


Potent Bile Acid Microbial Metabolites Modulate Clostridium perfringens Virulence, Tahrir Jatli Alenezi, Ying Fu, Bilal Alrubaye, Thamer Alanazi, Ayidh Almansour, Hong Wang, and Xiaolun Sun


Application of Eugenol in Poultry to Control Salmonella Colonization and Spread, Mohammed Aljuwayd, Israa Abdullah Malli, and Young Min Kwon


Microbiota From Specific Pathogen-free Mice Reduces Campylobacter jejuni Chicken Colonization, Ayidh Almansour, Ying Fu, Tahrir Jatli Alenezi, Mohit Bansal, Bilal Alrubaye, Hong Wang, and Xiaolun Sun


Characterizing the Impact of Enterococcus cecorum Infection During Late Embryogenesis on Disease Progression, Cecal Microbiome Composition, and Early Performance in Broiler Chickens, Marcela Arango, Aaron Forga, Jing Liu, LaTasha Gray, Randy Moore, Makenly E. Coles, Abdiel Atencio, Carolina Trujillo, Juan David Latorre, Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, Billy Hargis, and Danielle Graham


Research Note: Fate and Dissemination of Salmonella enterica Serovar Reading in Turkeys at Processing Using an Oral Gavage Challenge Model, A. M. Ashcraft, M. E. Coles, L. C. Beer, B.D.M. Graham, G. Tellez-Isaias, B. Wooming, and B. M. Hargis


Specific Secondary Bile Acids Control Chicken Necrotic Enteritis, Mohit Bansal, Tahrir Jatli Alenezi, Ying Fu, Ayidh Almansour, Hong Wang, Anamika Gupta, Rohana Liyanage, Danielle B. Graham, Billy Hargis, and Xiaolun Sun


Feed Composition and Isolate of Histomonas meleagridis Alter Horizontal Transmission of Histomonosis in Turkeys. Proof of Concept, Thaina L. Barros, Christine N. Vuong, Juan D. Latorre, Roberto S. Cuesta, Elizabeth McGill, Samuel J. Rochell, Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, and Billy Hargis


Evaluation of Live-attenuated Histomonas meleagridis Isolates as Vaccine Candidates Against Wild-type Challenge, L. C. Beer, B.D.M. Graham, T. L. Barros, J. D. Latorre, G. Tellez-Isaias, A. L. Fuller, B. M. Hargis, and C. N. Vuong


Research Note: Evaluation of Quinine as a Chemoprophylactic Candidate Against Histomoniasis in Turkeys, L. C. Beer, B. M. Hargis, and C. N. Vuong


Histomonosis in Poultry: A Comprehensive Review, Lesleigh C. Beer, Victor M. Petrone-Garcia, B. Danielle Graham, Billy M. Hargis, Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, and Christine N. Vuong


Upstream Regulator Analysis of Wooden Breast Myopathy Proteomics in Commercial Broilers and Comparison to Feed Efficiency Proteomics in Pedigree Male Broilers, Walter G. Bottje, Kentu R. Lassiter, Vivek A. Kuttappan, Nicholas J. Hudson, Casey M. Owens, Benham Abasht, Sami Dridi, and Byungwhi C. Kong


Effect of Cyclic Heat Stress on Hypothalamic Oxygen Homeostasis and Inflammatory State in the Jungle Fowl and Three Broiler-Based Research Lines, Giorgio Brugaletta, Elizabeth Greene, Alison Ramser, Craig W. Maynard, Travis Tabler, Federico Sirri, Nicholas B. Anthony, Sara K. Orlowski, and Sami Dridi


Effect of Cyclic Heat Stress on Feeding-Related Hypothalamic Neuropeptides of Three Broiler Populations and Their Ancestor Jungle Fowl, Giorgio Brugaletta, Elizabeth S. Greene, Travis Tabler, Sara K. Orlowski, Federico Sirri, and Sami Dridi


Instrumental Texture Analysis of Chicken Patties Prepared with Broiler Breast Fillets Exhibiting Woody Breast Characteristics, Juan P. Caldas-Cueva, A. Mauromostakos, and Casey M. Owens


Detection of Woody Breast Condition in Commercial Broiler Carcasses Using Image Analysis, Juan P. Caldas-Cueva, A. Mauromostakos, X. Sun, and Casey M. Owens


Use of Image Analysis to Identify Woody Breast Characteristics in 8-Week-Old Broiler Carcasses, Juan P. Caldas-Cueva, A. Mauromostakos, X. Sun, and Casey M. Owens


Focused Review: The Role of Drug Combinations for the Control of Coccidiosis in Commercially Reared Chickens, H. David Chapman and Thilakar Rathinam


Assessment of Lippia origanoides Essential Oils in a Salmonella typhimurium, Eimeria maxima, and Clostridium perfringens Challenge Model to Induce Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Chickens, Makenly E. Coles, Aaron J. Forga, Roberto Señas-Cuesta, Brittany D. Graham, Callie M. Selby, Alvaro J. Uribe, Blanca C. Martinez, Jaime A. Angel-Isaza, Christine N. Vuong, Xochitl Hernandez-Velasco, Billy M. Hargis, and Guillermo Tellez-Isaias


Comparative- and Network-based Proteomic Analysis of Bacterial Chondronecrosis with Osteomyelitis Lesions in Broiler's Proximal Tibiae Identifies New Molecular Signatures of Lameness, Jennifer Cook, Elizabeth Greene, Alison Ramser, Garrett J. Mullenix, Jalila S. Dridi, Rohana Liyanage, Robert F. Wideman Jr., and Sami Dridi


Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Reveals Heat Stress-induced Changes in Hemoglobin Concentration in Chicken Breast, Sina Dadgar, Elizabeth Greene, Ahmed Dhamad, Barbara Mallmann, Sami Dridi, and Narasimhan Rajaram


Effects of Hatch Window and Nutrient Access in the Hatcher on Performance and Processing Yield of Broiler Chicks Reared According to Time of Hatch, Joshua R. Deines, F. Dustan Clark, Doug E. Yoho, R. Keith Bramwell, and Samuel J. Rochell


Effects of Hatch Window and Nutrient Access in the Hatcher on Performance and Processing Yields of Broilers Reared with Equal Hatch Window Representation, Joshua R. Deines, F. Dustan Clark, Doug E. Yoho, R. Keith Bramwell, and Samuel J. Rochell


Duodenal Metabolic Profile Changes in Heat-Stressed Broilers, Jalila S. Dridi, Elizabeth Greene, Craig W. Maynard, Giorgio Brugaletta, Alison Ramser, Courtney J. Christopher, Shawn R. Campagna, Hector F. Castro, and Sami Dridi


Hypoxia Further Exacerbates Woody Breast Myopathy in Broilers Via Alteration of Satellite Cell Fate, Nima K. Emami, Reagan N. Cauble, Ahmed E. Dhamad, Elizabeth S. Greene, Cynthia S. Coy, Sara Orlowski, Nicholas Anthony, Mike R. Bedford, and Sami Dridi


Heat Stress and Feed Restriction Distinctly Affect Performance, Carcass and Meat Yield, Intestinal Integrity, and Inflammatory (Chemo)Cytokines in Broiler Chickens, Nima K. Emami, Elizabeth S. Greene, Michael H. Kogut, and Sami Dridi


Radical Response: Effects of Heat Stress-Induced Oxidative Stress on Lipid Metabolism in the Avian Liver, Nima K. Emami, Usuk Jung, Brynn Voy, and Sami Dridi


Ileal Microbial Composition in Genetically Distinct Chicken Lines Reared Under Normal or High Ambient Temperatures, Nima K. Emami, Lori L. Schreier, Elizabeth Greene, Travis Tabler, Sara K. Orlowski, Nicholas B. Anthony, Monika Proszkowiec‑Weglarz, and Sami Dridi


Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Bacterial Chondronecrosis With Osteomyelitis–Affected Broilers, Alison Ferver, Elizabeth S. Greene, Robert F. Wideman Jr., and Sami Dridi


Phytogenic Water Additives Improve Broiler Growth Performance via Modulation of Intermediary Metabolism-Related Signaling Pathways, Joshua J. Flees, Nima K. Emami, Elizabeth Greene, Bhaskar Ganguly, and Sami Dridi


Phytogenic Feed Additives Improve Broiler Feed Efficiency Via Modulation of Intermediary Lipid and Protein Metabolism-related Signaling Pathways, Joshua J. Flees, Bhaskar Ganguly, and Sami Dridi


Evaluation of Clostridium septicum Hemolytic Activity, Administration Route, and Dosage Volume of a Clostridial Dermatitis (Cellulitis) Bacterin-toxoid on Humoral Immune Response in Commercial Turkeys, Aaron Forga, Kabel Robbins, Andrew Smith, Makenly Coles, Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, Christine N. Vuong, Billy Hargis, and Danielle Graham


Clostridium perfringens-Induced Necrotic Diseases: An Overview, Ying Fu, Tahrir Jatli Alenezi, and Xiaolun Sun


Vaccines Using Clostridium perfringens Sporulation Proteins Reduce Necrotic Enteritis in Chickens, Ying Fu, Mohit Bansal, Tahrir Jatli Alenezi, Ayidh Almansour, Hong Wang, and Xiaolun Sun


Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Second-generation Ethanol in Brazil, Teresa Cristina Garcia, Alvaro Durand-Morat, Wei Yang, Michael Popp, and William Schreckhise


Development of an Environmental Contamination Model to Simulate the Microbial Bloom that Occurs in Commercial Hatch Cabinets, B. D. Graham, C. M. Selby, A. J. Forga, M. E. Coles, L. C. Beer, L. E. Graham, K. D. Teague, G. Tellez-Isaias, B. M. Hargis, and C. N. Vuong


Development of a Wild-type Escherichia coli Environmental Bloom Model to Evaluate Alternatives to Formaldehyde Fumigation in Broiler Chicken Hatch Cabinets, B. D. Graham, C. M. Selby, L. E. Graham, K. D. Teague, G. Tellez-Isaias, B. M. Hargis, and C. N. Vuong


Assessing the Effects of a Mixed Eimeria spp. Challenge on Performance, Intestinal Integrity, and the Gut Microbiome of Broiler Chickens, Danielle Graham, Victor Petrone-Garcia, Xochitl Hernandez-Velasco, Makenly E. Coles, Marco A. Juarez-Estrada, Juan D. Latorre, Jianmin Chai, Stephanie Shouse, Jiangchao Zhao, Aaron Forga, Roberto Señas-Cuesta, Lauren Laverty, Kristen Martin, Carolina Trujillo-Peralta, Ileana Loeza, LaTasha Gray, Billy M. Hargis, and Guillermo Tellez-Isaias


Isolation, Characterization, and Experimental Infection of Streptococcus gallolyticus Subspecies Pasteurianus from Commercial Turkeys with Acute Septicemia: A Pilot Study, L. S. Gray, J. D. Latorre, D. Hernandez-Patlan, B. Solis-Cruz, V. Petrone-Garcia, X. Hernandez-Velasco, K. M. Robbins, R. W. Moore, C. N. Vuong, A. Stein, L. Laverty, K. Martin, M. E. Coles, R. Señas-Cuesta, J. M. Diaz-Gomez, I. Loeza, I. Castellanos-Huerta, J. A. Maguey-Gonzalez, B. D. Graham, B. M. Hargis, and G. Tellez-Isaias


Avian Neuropeptide Y: Beyond Feed Intake Regulation, Elizabeth S. Greene, Nedra Abdelli, Jalila S. Dridi, and Sami Dridi


Effects of Heat Stress on Cyto(chemo)kine and Inflammasome Gene Expression and Mechanical Properties in Isolated Red and White Blood Cells from 4 Commercial Broiler Lines and their Ancestor Jungle Fowl, Elizabeth S. Greene, Elizabeth Adeogun, Sara K. Orlowski, Karthik Nayani, and Sami Dridi


Research Note: Phytobiotics Modulate the Expression Profile of Circulating Inflammasome and Cyto(chemo)kine in Whole Blood of Broilers Exposed to Cyclic Heat Stress, Elizabeth S. Greene, Nima K. Emami, and Sami Dridi


Effects of Herbal Adaptogen Feed-Additive on Growth Performance, Carcass Parameters, and Muscle Amino Acid Profile in Heat-Stressed Modern Broilers, Elizabeth S. Greene, Clay Maynard, Casey M. Owens, Jean-Francois Meullenet, and Sami Dridi


Sodium Butyrate Modulates Chicken Macrophage Proteins Essential for Salmonella Enteritidis Invasion, Anamika Gupta, Mohit Bansal, Rohana Liyanage, Abhinav Upadhyay, Narayan Rath, Annie Donoghue, and Xiaolun Sun


Whole-Genome Sequence and Interaction Analysis in the Production of Six Enzymes From the Three Bacillus Strains Present in a Commercial Direct-Fed Microbial (Norum™) Using a Bliss Independence Test, Daniel Hernandez-Patlan, Bruno Solis-Cruz, Juan D. Latorre, Ruben Merino-Guzman, Miguel Morales Rodriguez, Catie Ausland, Xochitl Hernandez-Velasco, Oscar Ortiz Holguin, Ramiro Delgado, Billy Hargis, Pallavi Singh, and Guillermo Tellez-Isaias


Applied Research Note: Development of a Novel Low Flow Water Monitoring System in Poultry/Agriculture Systems, J. Z. Hiltz, S. K. Orlowski, L. N. Harrington, C. W. Maynard, T. W. Tabler, and N. B. Anthony