

The Kinderhookian-Osagean (Lower Mississippian) St. Joe and Boone Limestone represent an unconformity bounded transgressive-regressive sequence widely distributed throughout the southern midcontinent. An irregular erosional surface developed on the Chattanooga Shale (Upper Devonian) or older strata. As Mississippian Seas transgressed, they deposited a thin interval of sandstone, shale, or the two together derived from these old beds. Carbonate deposition was initiated as grain-dominated, crinozoan-bryozoan packstones and grainstones, with subordinate wackestones, and is essentially chert free. These carbonates, referred to as the St. Joe Limestone, reflect a ramp across northern Arkansas that experienced condensed sedimentation and red coloration along its conditions reflected by carbonate mudstones, very fine-grained packstones and grainstones, and penecontemperaneous chert of the overlying lower Boone Formation. The upper Boone (Burlington-Keokuk equivalents) represents a regressive sequence that returned St. Joe-type, grain-dominated, lithologies with diagenetic chert replacement to the shelf. The regression terminated in a pronounced regional unconformity overlain by Meramecian or younger strata.

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