

The floristic richness and diversity of vegetation in Arkansas continues to require and stimulate a growing body of taxonomic and ecological research publications. Peck and Peck (1988) listed 766 references, including those of the two prior lists. Since then we have gathered 417 additional references. The total list now contains 1,183 references, with 70% prepared or published since 1970. This update is provided for four reasons: 1) to compile a comprehensive source to direct and facilitate future studies, 2) to provide easier access to many reports not normally located in electronic databases, 3) to improve communications with botanists outside Arkansas, and 4) to support the ongoing and active efforts of those involved in the production of a manual to the Arkansas Vascular Flora and a book-length treatment of the vegetation of Arkansas. Future plans include placing the entire list on the Internet and developing of a means of updating the list every year.

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