

Miniaturized multielectrode arrays are MEMS devices that have found use as neural prosthetics (Neuro-MEMS). As implants, they can interface with neurons as sensors or actuators and help compensate for loss of sensory input, motor control, or cognitive functions. The microelectrodes studied here were developed in-house. They have a vertically aligned gold nanowire array and are mounted on a sturdy titanium needle with a fine gauge. Hence, the bill of materials and design characteristics encourage their use as a neural probe. For this study, a probe was tested in vivo for signal acquisition in the hippocampus of a Rattus Norvegicus (Sprague Dawley Rat). Using an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved protocol, the neural probe was deployed in the CA1 region of the hippocampus of a sedated rat. The signal was obtained as voltage against time and was filtered for isolated spikes of neural activity, which were sorted in the form of a Spike Train-Raster Plot. The qualitative evaluation of data obtained through the newly developed neural probe was used as groundwork to decide on future research and discuss possible clinical impacts.
