This paper compares the narrator-protagonist in La Honte sur nous by Saïd Mohamed to the protagonist in the paradigmatic work of Beur fiction, Le Gone du chaâba by Azouz Begag. I argue that Mohamed’s protagonist does not have a hybrid identity as traditionally defined by Beur fiction. Even so, he is automatically relegated to the margins and assigned a hybrid identity by society, although he does not have the necessary profile. In closing, I ask if Mohamed’s work can be classified as Beur fiction given the weak parallels between the works.
Recommended Citation
Nabors, M. (2014). Beur in Name Only? A Comparison of La Honte sur nous by Saïd Mohamed and Le Gone du chaâba by Azouz Begag. Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal, 17(1). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.uark.edu/inquiry/vol17/iss1/7