The Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science (JAAS) is the major publication of the Academy. The Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science appears annually as a single volume. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts that were submitted at the annual meeting of the previous year. The Scope of the Journal reflects the broad vision of the Academy to promote science within Arkansas and disseminate the science being carried out by scientists in Arkansas throughout the US and the world. Specific areas of science include (but are not limited to) Biomedical Sciences, Botany and Plant Science, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Math and Computing Science, Engineering, Geology, Environmental Science, Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, and Vertebrate Zoology.
Current Volume: Volume 77 (2023)
Entire Issue
Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science Volume 77
Academy Editors
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Academy Presidents and Institutional Members
Academy Editors
The Rayleigh Problem (Random Flights) is Everywhere Redux
John E. Gray and Stephen R. Addison
Investigation of a Recent Landslide in Fort Smith, Arkansas
D. Mayo, M.J. Thomas, A. Burns, J. Pruitt, and P. Karr
Determination of Fatty Acid Concentrations in Various Strains of Freshwater Green Picoplankton Algae (Class Eustigmatophyceae)
P. Ashcraft, R. Jacks, B. Martinez, J. Rodriguez, A.B. Burns, A. Gurnsey, L. Taylor, A. Teague, J. Totty, V.L. Fox, and A. Williams
Determining Mating Type and Species of a Natural Isolate of Dictyostelium using Molecular Techniques and Sexual Crosses
S.N. Baviskar, C. Catron, H. Jenkins, and M. Smith
New Host Records of Apicomplexan Blood Parasites (Haemogregarinidae and Hepatozoidae) Infecting Two Reptiles (Testudines; Ophidia) from Arkansas
C.T. McAllister and H.W. Robison
Noteworthy Parasites (Trematoda, Cestoda, Phthiraptera) of Three Birds (Aves: Passeriformes; Pelecaniformes; Piciformes) from Arkansas
C.T. McAllister and H.W. Robison
Helminth Parasites of Northern Cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus (Ophidia: Viperidae), from Arkansas
C.T. McAllister, C.R. Bursey, and H.W. Robison
Hemoparasites (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoon; Kinetoplastida: Trypanosoma) of Two Anurans (Hylidae; Ranidae), from Polk County, Arkansas
C.T. McAllister and H.W. Robison
New Geographic Distributional Records for Two Lampreys (Petromyzontiformes: Petromyzontidae) in Arkansas, with Notes on Histopathology
C.T. McAllister, H.W. Robison, E.M. Leis, D.G. Cloutman, and A.C. Camus
Novel Reproductive Data on Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae), from Northeastern Arkansas
C.T. McAllister, D.G. Cloutman, E.M. Leis, and H.W. Robison
Histomorphology of the Distal Urogenital Ducts in the Male Northern Crawfish Frog, Rana areolata circulosa (Anura: Ranidae)
S.E. Trauth and R.G. Neal
No Sperm Morphometric Differences between Two Snapping Turtle Species
J.D. Konvalina and S.E. Trauth
Energy Content of Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in the Diet of Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata) in Southeastern New Mexico
J.L. Hunt, M.E. Grilliot, T.L. Best, C.M. Wilkerson, and A.F. Huitt
New Species of Birds Reported in Arkansas Since 2009
R. Tumlison and R. Kannan
Rare Birds in Arkansas: Historical Observations and New Records
R. Tumlison and R. Kannan
Least Flycatchers Under-reported in Fall Migration in Arkansas —A Citizen Science Conundrum
L. Barnes and R. Kannan
New Records of Distribution and Natural History of Vertebrates in Arkansas: 2020-2023
R. Tumlison, H.W. Robison, M.B. Connior, D.B. Sasse, T.S. Risch, K. Edmonds, J.D. Wilhide, and C.R. Allen
Citizen Science: Role of iNaturalist in Biodiversity Documentation and Education in Arkansas
K. Baker, L. Barnes, S. Rana, J. Jackson, and R. Kannan
General Note
Third Arkansas record of Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), with notes on habitat and behavior
G. R. Graves
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
Business Meeting Report (Secretary's and Treasurer's Report)
Academy Editors
Keynote Address and Meeting Program
Academy Editors
Journal Acknowledgements and Editorial Board
Academy Editors
Instructions to Authors
Academy Editors