

This paper is a summary of the Campanulaceae of Arkansas, based on the material on file in the University of Arkansas herbarium. A key to the species is included, followed by an alphabetical listing by genus and species of the taxa in the Campanulaceae known to occur in the state. After each taxon, the following information is included in this order: blooming period (as indicated on our material), known distribution in general terms (NW-northwest, E-east, G-general, C- central, etc.), habitat, chromosome number (as reported in Darlington & Wylie, 1955; in the Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers, Vol. I.II, and Supplement; and in Vol. 50 of Regnum Vegebabile), synonymy in double parentheses (this is minimized), citation of two specimens, and in some cases comments about the particular taxon. All of the taxa have been previously reported from the state. One species previously listed for the state is excluded. The survey includes 12 species in 4 genera. The distribution of most of the taxa is probably more extensive than indicated. Differences in the key to the species, as compared to Steyermark (1963) or McVaugh (1943), reflect overlap in characters of Lobelia appendiculata and L. spicata observed in the study of Arkansas material.
