Volume 25 (1971)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Historian's Report - A Half Century of the Arkansas Academy of Science (officers, locations of meetings, proceedings papers)
Dwight M. Moore
Physics and Environmental Studies
Joe M. Guenter
Consideration of Macro-Climatic and Macro-Biotic Change in the Ozark Highlands during Post-Glacial Times
Kenneth W. Cole
Historical Archaeology in Arkansas
Patrick E. Martin
Demonstration, and a Suggested Immune Role, of Mouse Antibodies against Salmonella enteritidis Endotoxins
Jimmie D. Barrack and Leo J. Paulissen
Notes on the Algae of Arkansas. 1. Chrysococcus, Kephyrion, Kephyriopsis, Pseudokephyrion and Stenokalyx
Richard L. Meyer
Facility for the Biological Treatment of a Complex Chlorophenolic Waste - A Preliminary Report
William F. Evans
Studies of Arundinaria: Experimental Induction of Flowering and Additional Observation in the Field
Daniel L. Marsh
Survey of the Vascular Flora of Poinsett County, Arkansas
Michael I. Johnson
Effects of Urethan on Fish Epithelial and Fibroblast Cells in Vitro
Leland F. Morgans
Relative Abundance, Seasonal Distribution and Taxonomy of Sphingidae of Northeast Arkansas
Charles L. Selman and Harvey E. Barton
Phosphorescent Animal Forms of Arkansas
Peggy Rae Dorris
Pre-impoundment Limnological Study of the Strawberry River in Northeastern Arkansas
Henry W. Robison and George L. Harp
Ichthyofaunal Diversification and Distribution in the Big Creek Watershed, Craighead and Greene Counties, Arkansas
James T. Jenkins and George L. Harp
Rapid Electroosmosis Measurements
James O. Wear
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
55th Annual Meeting, 1971. Program
Academy Editors
- Editor
- Lester C. Howick
- Editorial Board
- James L. Dale
- Carl E. Hoffman
- G. T. Johnson
- Max C. Milam
- Jewel E. Moore
- Joe F. Nix
- Roy C. Rom
- J. W. Sears