

Fishes collected from the lower Ouachita River system in Arkansas during 1971-1974 are reported. As a result of these collections six species were added to the Ouachita River system ichthyofauna of Arkansas including an undescribed species of Notropis, Hybopsis aestivalis (Girard), Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque), Fundulus chrysotus (Gunther), Lepomis symmetricus (Forbes) and Etheostoma fusiforme barratti (Holbrook). New distributional records for Ichthyomyzon gagei (Hubbs and Trautman), Notropis maculatus (Hay), N. lutrensis (Baird and Girard), Erimyzon sucetta (Lacepede), Fundulus notti (Agassiz) and Lepomis marginatus (Holbrook) within the system also are presented.
