Volume 40 (1986)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Effects of Low pH on Lactate Dehydrogenase Kinetics of Diving and Nondiving Reptiles
Dennis A. Baeyens and Salim R. Hurley
Isolation of Nuclei from Physarum flavicomum: Demonstration of Nuclear Cyclic Acid AMP Phosphodiesterase
Judith A. Bean, Maurice G. Kleve, and Thomas J. Lynch
Concanavalin A-Nonbinding Enzymes of Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus Venom
C. K. Childs, Michael W. Hinson, Dewey H. Sifford, and Bob D. Johnson
Anomalous Concentrations of Co-58 and Cs-137 in Dardanelle Reservoir
David M. Chittenden II
Plasma Corticosterone Levels in Cholesterol-fed Cockerels Before and After a Twenty Minute Run
Stanley N. David and Clarene L. David
Special Adaptations of Orb Weavers and Prey
Peggy Rae Dorris
Penetrating Ionizing Radiation Levels Observed in the Lower Arkansas and White River Valleys of Arkansas
C. E. Epperson, S. Meiners, and D. Swindle
Abandoned Mine Fauna of the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa
Darrell R. Heath, David A. Saugey, and Gary A. Heidt
Survey of 1985 Periodical Cicada (Homoptera: Magicicada) Emergence Sites in Washington County, Arkansas, With Reference to Ecological Implications
Douglas A. James, Kathy S. Williams, and Kimberly G. Smith
Age and Growth of Redear Sunfish Lepomis microlophus (Gunthur), from Bob Kidd Lake
Rex R. Roberg, Thoniot T. Prabhakaran, and Raj V. Kilambi
Relationship Between Diameter Breast High and Diameter Near Ground Line for Hardwood Species in Arkansas
Richard A. Kluender and Jimmie L. Yeiser
Tagging and Marking Crawfish (Procambarus clarkii) in a Population Estimation Study
Frank Meriweather
Woody Vegetation of the Crystal Mountains Region
Derwood Mayo and P. L. Raines
Effects of Juglone (5'-Hydroxy-1, 4-Naphthoquinone) on the Algae Anabaena flos-aquae, Nostoc commune, and Scenedesmus acuminatus
V. Diane Randall and Jimmy D. Bragg
Continued DDT Persistence in Mississippi River Delta Streams: A Case Study
Stephen A. Sewell and Luther A. Knight Jr.
Electrochemistry of Dihalogenated Nicotonic Acids in Aqueous and Aprotic Media
Ali U. Shaikh, Tappi A. Dixon, Lourie A. Battles, and Frank L. Setliff
Optimal Conditions for Kinetic Study of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Rat Liver
Collie B. Shaw, Tara L. Chronister, and John D. Peck
Bat Fauna of Southeast Arkansas
Tim W. Steward, V. Rick McDaniel, David A. Saugey, and Daniel R. England
University of Arkansas at Monticello's 1985 Summer Science Institute: A Report and an Opinion
Eric Sundell
River Otter in Arkansas. IV. Winter Food Habits in Eastern Arkansas
C. Renn Tumlison, Anthony W. King, and V. Rick McDaniel
Harvest Trends of the Bobcat (Felix Rufus) in Arkansas
C. Renn Tumlison and V. Rick McDaniel
Comparison of the Symbiotic Fauna of the Family Plethodontidae in the Ouachita Mountains of Western Arkansas
Douglas A. Winter, Wojciech M. Zawada, and Arthur A. Johnson
General Notes
Spiders Collected in Southeast Arkansas Using Pitfall Traps Placed in Pine-Hardwood Forests That Received Various Forestry Treatments--A Preliminary List
Peggy Rae Dorris and L. C. Thompson
Population Decline of the Endangered Indiana Bat, Myotis sodalis, in Arkansas
Michael J. Harvey and V. Rick McDaniel
Usefulness of Microfiche Reader/Printer for Studying Fish Species
Raj V. Kilambi and Marvin L. Galloway
Forest Data Base for Arkansas
Richard A. Kluender and E. Wesley McCoy
Introductory Chemistry Course
Richard S. Mitchell
Interspecific Correlations of Harvest and Price for Arkansas Furbearers: A Cautionary Note
James H. Peck, Gary A. Heidt, and Anita J. Giggleman
Additional Records of Distribution and Hosts for the Bat Bug, Cimex pilosellus in Arkansas
Tim W. Steward, V. Rick McDaniel, and Daniel R. England
Evaluation of a Fin Ray Scarring Technique for Individually Marking Fish
Les Torrans, Fran Lowell, and Howard Clemens
Effect of Stunting on the Growth of Blue Tilapia (Tilapia aurea, Cichlidae)
Les Torrans and Fran Lowell
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
70th Annual Meeting, 1986. Program
Academy Editors
Publication Policies and Suggestions for Authors
Academy Editors
- Editor
- V. Rick McDaniel
- Editor for Newsletter
- John D. Rickett
- Associate Editors
- John K. Beadles
- Robert Steinmeier
- Kenneth Steele