"Time Projection Chamber's Efficiency, Obtained Using CERN's GEANT Code" by Christine A. Byrd, Charles M. Byrd et al.


Geometrical acceptance and reconstruction of tracks have been carried out for a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) used in Experiment NA35: the 35th experiment in the North Area of the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). NA35 used the SPS at CERN to produce 6.4 TeV beams of 32S for central collisions with Au nuclei. The TPC modeling effort used a modified version of CERN's Monte Carlo program GEANT, which simulates the response of the NA35 TPC to output from CERN's primary event generators. GEANT was used to simulate three-dimensional pixel data in the same format as data taken by direct readout of the TPC. These simulated data were stored on magnetic tape and processed using the TPC analysis and reconstruction program TRAC. Analysis of these simulated data allowed a calculation of the efficiency of the TPC, to within about 1%, by comparing the output of TRAC with the known input from GEANT. Also, reconstructed events from GEANT were used to eliminate false tracks and to determine systematic errors in track position and momentum in data taken by NA35 in the Spring of 1992.
