Volume 48 (1994)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Compton Scattering of Gamma-Rays from Electrons in Advanced Laboratory
Christine A. Byrd, Morgan T. Burks, Lawrence A. Yates, and Wilfred J. Braithwaite
Using the CERN Program-Library Graphics and Interactive Data Display
Morgan T. Burks, Wilson H. Howe, Christine A. Byrd, and Wilfred J. Braithwaite
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Small Airway Models of the Human Lung
G. Burnside, J. R. Hammersley, Rama N. Reddy, and B. Catlin
Solid State NMR of Hydrogen in Thin Film Synthetic Diamond
G. Burnside, Roger M. Hawk, Richard A. Komoroski, and W. D. Brown
Spatial Distributions of Three Species of Desmognathus in a North Carolina Stream
James J. English, Alvan A. Karlin, and Laurie D. Lacer
Comparison of High-Temperature Superconductors in Multi-Chip Module Applications
D. E. Ford, S. S. Scott, S. S. Ang, and W. D. Brown
Classification System for the Natural Vegetation of Arkansas
Thomas L. Foti, Martin Blaney, Xiaojun Li, and Kimberly G. Smith
Reaction of Titanocene Dichloride with Acetylenedicarboxylate
Tanya L. Hagler, Mark Draganjac, Paul M. Nave, J. Ed Bennett, Farooq Kahn, Robert Engelken, Gerard Williams, Chris Poole, and Kwok Fai Yu
Gamma Ray Emissions from Binary Pulsar Systems
Tony A. Hall and Andrew T. Sustich
Laccase Production by Chaetomium elatum, a Soft-Rot Fungus
Wilson H. Howe and Joyce M. Hardin
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Food Habits in West-Central Arkansas
R. M. Huston and Thomas A. Nelson
Effect of Product Price, Interest Rates and Forestry Incentives on Financial Returns from Arkansas' Nonindustrial Private Forests
James R. Jolley and Richard A. Kluender
Storm Dominated Channel Sequences on a Shallow Marine Shelf: Morrowan of Northwest Arkansas
Kimberley R. Jones and Doy L. Zachry
Genetic Variability in Developing Periodical Cicadas
Alvan A. Karlin, Eric C. Stout, Lance T. Adams, Lisa R. Duke, and James J. English
Distance of Interference of Red Rice (Orya sativa) in Rice (O. sativa)
Sam L. Kwon, Roy J. Smith Jr., and Ronald E. Talbert
Boron Phosphate and Aluminum Phosphate Aerogels
David A. Lindquist, Steven M. Poindexter, Sterling S. Rooke, D. Ritchie Stockdale, Kirk B. Babb, Alison L. Smoot, and William E. Young
Comparative Gas-Exchange in Leaves of Intact and Clipped, Natural and Planted Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) Seedlings
Brian Roy Lockhart and John D. Hodges
Concrete Beam Design Optimization with Genetic Algorithms
Siripong Malasri, D. A. Halijan, and M. L. Keough
Liver Lipids Profiles in Nude Mice Implanted Subcutaneously with Cells of Human Prostate Adenocarcinoma Grade IV
Lawrence M. Mwasi
Burying Beetle (Coleoptera: Silphidae, Nicrophorus) Surveys on Poteau Ranger District, Ouachita National Forest
Joseph C. Neal, M. Earl Stewart, and Warren G. Montague
Hammett Correlations of Half-Wave Reduction Potentials in a Series of N-(Aryl substituted)-Dichloronicotinamides
Cecil C. Persons, Ali U. Shaikh, Julie Shiflett, and Frank L. Setliff
Tetraethylene Gycol-Based Electrolytes for High Temperature Electrodeposition of Compound Semiconductors
Chris Poole, Robert Engelken, Brandon Kemp, and Jason Brannen
Analysis of Ammunition by X-Ray Fluorescence
Michael W. Rapp and Teddy L. Townsend
Long-Term Study of Benthos in Dardanelle Reservoir
John D. Rickett and Robert L. Watson
Thermal Decomposition Studies of Selected Transition Metal Polysulfide Complexes. II. Effect of Atmosphere on Decomposition
Benjamin Rougeau and Mark Draganjac
Vegetation of Maple-leaved Oak Sites on Sugarloaf and Magazine Mountains, Arkansas
David W. Rouw and George P. Johnson
Complexity of Fetal Movement Detection Using a Single Doppler Ultrasound Transducer
William A. Russell Jr., Curtis L. Lowery, Patrick J. Baggot, James D. Wilson, Robert Walls, Roger M. Hawk, and Pam Murphy
Pre-Spawning Migration of Channel Catfish into Three Warmwater Tributaries-Effects of a Cold Tailwater
Gary L. Siegwarth and James E. Johnson
Evaluation of Photodiode Arrays for Use in Rocket Plume Monitoring and Diagnostics
Dallas Snider, M. Keith Hudson, Robert B. Shanks, and Reagan Cole
Multisite Microprobes for Electrochemical Recordings in Biological Dynamics
G. Sreenivas, S. S. Ang, R. M. Ranade, A. S. Salian, and W. D. Brown
Aquatic Macrophytes of Two Small Northwest Arkansas Reservoirs
John J. Sullivan and Arthur V. Brown
Method for Determining Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth Using Solar Transmission Measurements
Felix Tendeku
Female Reproductive Traits in Selected Arkansas Snakes
Stanley E. Trauth, Robert L. Cox, Walter E. Meshaka Jr., Brian P. Butterfield, and Anthony Holt
Reproductive Cycles in Two Arkansas Skinks in the Genus Eumeces (Sauria: Scincidae)
Stanley E. Trauth
Use of Visual and Tactile Behaviors by Rats (Rattus norvegicus) in an Object Discrimination Swimming Task
Todd Wiebers
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Scintillating Optical Fiber Calorimeter (SOFCAL)
Zibin Yang, Russell Gillum, and Donald C. Wold
Correlation Between Chromatid Deletion Production and Progression of the DNA Replication Fork in UV-Irradiated S Phase Xenopus Cells
Daniel M. Yoder, Jason M. Hiles, and H. Gaston Griggs
General Notes
Bryophyte and Pteridophyte Distribution Records of Southern Arkansas
James R. Bray, Greg A. Whitehead, Daniel L. Marsh, and Dennis W. McMasters
Recent Record of the Plains Minnow, Hybognathus placitus Girard, from Arkansas
Thomas M. Buchanan and Henry W. Robison
Renewal and Recovery: Shortleaf Pine /Bluestem Grass Ecosystem and Red-cockaded Woodpeckers
George A. Bukenhofer, Joseph C. Neal, and Warren G. Montague
Fluid Dynamics Model of Data Acquisition and Date Analysis for High-Energy Physics
Charles M. Byrd, Christine A. Byrd, Wilson H. Howe, and W. J. Braithwaite
Distributional Records of the Badger (Taxidea taxus) in Arkansas
Michael E. Cartwright and Gary A. Heidt
Ultrasound Assisted Oxidative Cleavage of alpha-Keto, alpha-Hydroxy and alpha-Halo Ketones by Superoxide
Yi hong Cao, A. Toland, and Dominic T.C. Yang
Status of the Endangered Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Hibernating Populations in Arkansas
Michael J. Harvey
Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi from Infected Laboratory Mice
Lawrence W. Hinck, Kim Kelly Simpson, and Sherlita N. Reeves
Species of Birds Newly Recorded in Arkansas Since 1985
Douglas A. James, Max Parker, Charles Mills, and Joseph C. Neal
Effective, Reliable, Inexpensive Cryofixation Device
Lawrence A. Mink and Roger A. Buchanan
Long-Range Dispersal of a Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Warren G. Montague and George A. Bukenhofer
First Record of Leptodora kindti in Dardanelle Reservoir and Status of Other Recent Additions to Dardanelle Fauna
John D. Rickett and Robert L. Watson
First Record of the Channel Shiner, Notropis wickliffi Trautman, in Arkansas and Comments on the Current River Populations of Notropis volucellus (Cope)
Henry W. Robison and Thomas M. Buchanan
Food Habits of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) at a Nest Site in Southwest Arkansas
Johnathan L. Westmoreland and C. Renn Tumlison
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
78th Annual Meeting, 1994. Program
Academy Editors
Publication Policies and Suggestions for Authors
Academy Editors
- Editor
- Stanley E. Trauth
- Newsletter Editor
- Richard A. Kluender
- Biota Editor
- Douglas A. James
- Associate Editors
- Ed Bacon
- Frank Setliff
- Mostafa Hemmati
- Robert Engelken
- Larry Hinck
- Roger Buchanan
- Marty Huss
- David Gilmore
- John Harris
- Gary Heidt
- Chris T. McAllister
- Jerry Farris
- Larry Mink
- David Vosburg
- David Chittenden
- George L. Harp