

We documented the distribution of the queen snake, Regina septemvittata, in northern Arkansas during the 2005 and 2006 activity seasons. Arkansas currently contains the only known disjunct population of this species west of the Mississippi River. Field work was conducted throughout the Boston Mountains of the Ozark Plateau to verify the presence of queen snakes from historic localities as well as to identify new localities containing these snakes. Seventeen individuals were found in the Mulberry River of Franklin and Johnson counties and the Illinois Bayou watershed of Pope County. Of these 17 snakes, 5 were kept as voucher specimens in the Arkansas State University Museum of Zoology herpetological collection, II were marked (elastomer dyes, PIT tags, and scale clippings) and released, and I evaded capture. None of the marked individuals were recaptured. Our findings suggest that queen snake populations have not increased in number or range since the last published study on the species in Arkansas in 1991.

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