Ninety many-ribbed salamanders, Eurycea multiplicata and 135 Oklahoma salamanders, Eurycea tynerensis were collected between April 2010 and April 2014 from 14 counties of Arkansas and McCurtain County, Oklahoma (E. multiplicata only) and examined for helminth parasites. Twelve (13%) E. multiplicata were infected, including two (2%) each with Brachycoelium salamandrae, Bothriocephalus rarus, Batracholandros magnavulvaris, Cosmocercoides variabilis, and Omeia papillocauda, and one (1%) each with an oligacanthorhynchid cystacanth and Fessisentis vancleavei. Forty-one (30%) of the E. tynerensis were infected, including seven (5%) with Gorgoderina tenua, two (1%) each with Phyllodistomum solidum and cyclophyllidean tapeworm cysticerci, one (0.7%) with Cylindrotaenia americana, six (3%) with B. rarus, eight (12%) with Desmognathinema nantahalaensis, 10 (7%) with O. papillocauda, two (1%) with Amphibiocapillaria tritonipunctata and six (4%) with F. vancleavei. We document 13 new host and two new distributional records for helminths of these salamanders. In addition, a summary of the endoparasites of E. multiplicata and E. tynerensis is provided.
Recommended Citation
McAllister, C. T.; Connior, M. B.; Bursey, C. R.; and Robison, H. W.
"Comparative Study of Helminth Parasites of the Many-Ribbed Salamander, Eurycea multiplicata and Oklahoma Salamander, Eurycea tynerensis (Caudata: Plethodontidae), from Arkansas and Oklahoma, A,"
Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science: Vol. 68, Article 15.
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