

The Ouachita madtom (Noturus lachneri) occurs primarily in drainages of the upper Saline River and in a few small tributaries to the Ouachita River in Arkansas, USA. We collected specimens by hand and by use of aquarium dipnets on 29 occasions from 20 October 1999 through 25 July 2000 in Cooper Creek, presently a feeder creek into Lake Catherine on the Ouachita River. Total length was measured, reproductive attributes were noted, and individuals were released at the capture site (with exception of 3 gravid females retained to assess fecundity). We recognized 2 age (size) classes during most of the year based on a plot of length-frequency distributions. Regression of total length against time indicated a mean growth rate of 0.14 mm/day for the population, and 0.20 mm/day for juveniles during warmer months. Hatchlings were found from 27 June through 4 November.
