Volume 70 (2016)
Entire Issue
Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science - Volume 70 2016
Academy Editors
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Acknowledgment of the major sponsors of the Academy: Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission; Ouachita National Forest
Academy Editors
A Tribute To Dr. Henry W. “Rob” Robison
C. T. McAllister
Journal Acknowledgments and Editorial Board
Academy Editors
A New Technique to Improve the Operation of Prosthetic Limbs during Muscle Fatigue
H. Albunashee, G. Rasool, K. Iqbal, and G. White
Geochemical Processes and Controls Affecting Water Quality of the Karst Area of Big Creek near Mt. Judea, Arkansas
V. Brahana, J. Nix, C. Kuyper, T. Turk, F. Usrey, S. Hodges, C. Bitting, K. Ficco, E. Pollock, R. Quick, B. Thompson, and J. Murdoch
Lower Mississippian Chert Development, Southern Midcontinent Region
J. M. Cains, A. Potra, and E. D. Pollock
Age and Correlation of the Moorefield Shale (Upper Mississippian) in its Type Area, Northeastern Arkansas
O. Dalu, W. S. Coffey, and W. L. Manger
Proportionality Between Population Descriptors (Covariables) in an Aggregated Acanthocephalan (Helminth) Infection of a Microcrustacean: Crofton Revisited
J. J. Daly Sr. and K. Wagner
Water-quality Effects on Phytoplankton Species and Density and Trophic State Indices at Big Base and Little Base Lakes, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, June through August, 2015
L. J. Driver and B. G. Justus
A General Valence-Length Correlation for Determining Bond Orders: Application to Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Hydrogen Chemical Bonds
F. D. Hardcastle
A Bond Length – Bond Valence Relationship for Carbon – Nitrogen Bonds
C. Harris and F. D. Hardcastle
Early Cementation of the Short Creek Oolite Member, Boone Formation (Osagean, Lower Mississippian), Northern Arkansas
K. A. Jayne, A. K. Chandler, and W. L. Manger
Impacts of Man-Made Structures on Avian Community Metrics in 4 State Parks in Northwestern Arkansas
R. D. Keith, B. Grooms, and R. E. Urbanek
DNA Barcoding of the First Recorded American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, in Clark County, Arkansas
J. Kelly, T. Files, N. Reyna, and B. Baley
Population Sampling of Chelonians in an Urban Lake in Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas
J. D. Konvalina, C. S. Thigpen, and S. E. Trauth
Impact of Climate Variations on Soybean Yield in Eastern Arkansas: 1960-2014
J. W. Magugu, S. Feng, Q. Huang, and K. Luthra
The Ticks (Arachnida: Acari: Ixodida) of Arkansas
C. T. McAllister, L. A. Durden, and H. W. Robison
Acanthocephala of Arkansas, Including New Host and Geographic Distribution Records from Fishes
C. T. McAllister, D. J. Richardson, M. A. Barger, T. J. Fayton, and H. W. Robison
Evaluation of Education and Other Influential Factors on the Perceptions of Influenza Vaccinations
S. D. Mills, S. R. Charlton, and B. M. Rowley
Electron Shock Waves with a Large Current Behind the Shock Front
H. D. Newberry, M. Hemmati, H. D. Moore, K. Ledbetter, and M. W. Bowman
Comparison of the Elemental Geochemistry of the Arkansas Novaculite and the Boone Chert in their Type Regions, Arkansas
J. Philbrick, E. Pollock, and A. Potra
History and Fall Migration of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) in Arkansas
M. L. Pruitt and K. G. Smith
Infection with the Sand Flea Tunga penetrans (Tungiasis) in a Traveller Returning from Cameroon, Africa
D. J. Richardson and A. M. Mangili
New Distributional Records of the Ohio Shrimp, Macrobrachium ohione Smith (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in Arkansas
H. W. Robison, L. Lewis, C. Cox, G. Spooner, R. Adams, and C. T. McAllister
Polyethylene Oxide Nanofiber Production by Electrospinning
H. E. Schneider, J. G. Steuber, W. Du, M. Mortazavi, and D. W. Bullock
Biomass (yard waste) Suspensions as Alternative Daily Cover Material for Landfills
R. Sharma, K. Arnoult, K. Hart, G. Phillips, S. Knight, and M. Grappe
Vegetation Diversity in Natural and Restored Forested Wetland Sites in Southeast Arkansas
C. J. Sheldon, R. L. Ficklin, K. P. Fawley, M. W. Fawley, M. Bataineh, A. S. Nelson, and S. Wilson
Food Habits of Green Tree Frogs (Hyla cinerea) from Arkansas
C. S. Thigpen, H. Dodson, and S. E. Trauth
Long-term Monitoring and Recovery of a Population of Alligator Snapping Turtles, Macrochelys temminckii (Testudines: Chelydridae), from a Northeastern Arkansas Stream
S. E. Trauth, D. S. Siegel, M. L. McCallum, D. H. Jamieson, A. Holt, J. B. Trauth, H. Hicks, J. W. Stanley, J. Elston, J. J. Kelly, and J. D. Konvalina
Vertebrate Natural History Notes from Arkansas, 2016
R. Tumlison, C. T. McAllister, H. W. Robison, M. B. Connior, D. B. Sasse, D. A. Saugey, and S. Chordas III
Characterizing Nanoparticle Size by Dynamic Light Scattering
M. Zaman, S. Ang, and S. Singh
General Notes
Occurrence of Shoal Chub, Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in Unusual Habitat in the Arkansas River System of Arkansas: Could Direct Tributaries be Refugia Allowing Persistence Despite Fragmentation of Instream Habitat?
J. A. Brown, H. W. Robison, and C. T. McAllister
New Chigger (Acari) Records from Arkansas Amphibians (Caudata, Anura) and Reptiles (Sauria)
M. B. Connior, C. T. McAllister, L. A. Durden, S. E. Trauth, and H. W. Robison
An Adult Female Mosquito Survey in Southwest Missouri in 2014
O. E. Jamieson, J. L. Moreland, and D. H. Jamieson
Hematozoan Parasites (Apicomplexa, Kinetoplastida) of Seven Arkansas Reptiles (Testudines, Ophidia)
C. T. McAllister, M. B. Connior, H. W. Robison, T. J. Fayton, R. Tumlison, and S. E. Trauth
Report on an Oomycete Infection (Heterokontophyta: Oomycota) in Northern Studfish, Fundulus catenatus (Fundulidae) from Tenmile Creek, Saline County, Arkansas
C. T. McAllister and H. W. Robison
An Epistylus sp. (Ciliophora: Peritrichia: Epistylididae) Infestation on Green Sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus (Perciformes: Centrarchidae), from Arkansas
C. T. McAllister, H. W. Robison, and S. E. Trauth
Gastrointestinal Parasites of the Northern River Otter, Lontra canadensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae), from Arkansas
C. T. McAllister, A. Surf, R. Tumlison, C. R. Bursey, and T. J. Fayton
A New Host Record for the Bat Bug, Cimex adjunctus (Insecta: Hemiptera) from Eastern Small-footed Myotis, Myotis leibii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
D. B. Sasse, C. T. McAllister, and L. A. Durden
First Record of the Opossum Shrimp, Mysis diluviana (Crustacea: Mysida) from Arkansas
K. Schanke, H. W. Robison, N. J. Wentz, and C. T. McAllister
Unusual Concentration of Summer Tanagers (Piranga rubra) in Northwestern Arkansas during Winter 2015-2016
K. G. Smith, J. C. Neal, and M. Mlodinow
A Case of an Ant Head (Crematogaster sp.) Embedded within the Skin of a Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) from Northeastern Arkansas
C. S. Thigpen and S. E. Trauth
New Records and Notes on the Natural History of Selected Invertebrates from Arkansas
R. Tumlison, H. W. Robison, and T. L. Tumlison
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
Business meeting report (Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Report)
Academy Editors
Keynote Address and Meeting Program
Academy Editors
Instructions to Authors
Academy Editors

- Editor-in-Chief
- Mostafa Hemmati
- Managing Editor
- Ivan H. Still
- Biota Editor
- Douglas A. James
- Editoral Board
- C. Geren
- P. Selvam
- D. Barron
- F. Hardcastle