Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD)

Degree Level





Robert D. Hay

Committee Member

Darrell L. Spriggs

Second Committee Member

Walter B. Cole


Management practices, management principles, college fraternities, social fraternities


This research tested the hypothesis that the better managed are social fraternities, the more successful they will be. The stated purpose of the study was to provide information to answer the following questions: 1) To what extent are selected management practices and principles utilized by college social fraternities? 2) Is there any significant relationship between the adherence to these managerial principles and practices and the degree of success achieved by the fraternities studied? Research design. Success was measured in comparative terms—how well the fraternity being studied ranked when compared to the other groups with which it competed. Six criteria were selected to serve as the basis for ranking: size, scholarship, rush results, initiation rate campus leadership, and campus opinion. The writer defined management in terms of six managerial functions—determining objectives, planning, organizing, actuating, coordinating, and evaluating—and identified 33 management practices to serve as a measure of the extent to which these functions were performed.
