Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Counseling Education and Research (PhD)

Degree Level



Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods


Brent T. Williams

Committee Member

Vire, Keith D.

Second Committee Member

Higgins, Kristin K.


ACES, Black African American Men, Historical Trauma, Mental Health, Trauma, Well-Being


Black African American Men (BAAM) suffer disproportionately from trauma related challenges and have a higher risk of encountering trauma across the lifespan. The negative impact of trauma is a major public health concern in the United States, evidence suggests trauma negatively impacts the physical well-being, mental health, and mortality rate. BAAM have increased rates of trauma exposure and their traumatic experience is historically complex involving a variety of contemporary issues (i.e. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), depression, victimization and desensitization, stress). This research aims to explore the complex nature of their trauma-related challenges among a purposeful sample of BAAM participants in Arkansas using a generic qualitative inquiry. The study will use an adapted conceptual framework of Historical Trauma Theory (HTT) to anchor the researcher within the analyses the data to answer the question: “What are the challenges for BAAM who have experienced trauma?” Analysis of the descriptive data (e.g., interviews, observations, documents) aspires to expand the body of knowledge, to elucidate culturally congruent perspectives, and encourage improvement of trauma informed care among key stakeholders.
