
The presenters have provided the link to all of the documents used in the workshop.

Thank you for joining us for the Research Data Management Workshop, hosted by the University of Arkansas Libraries, April 4-5 2017, You are welcome to access these past event materials.

Program: On April 4, guest speakers will lead the full-day program Building Your Research Data Management Toolkit: Integrating RDM into Your Liaison Work, produced by the Association of College and Research Libraries. On April 5, University of Arkansas researchers from the sciences and social sciences will hold panel discussions on the challenges of managing data. The program on this second day will end at noon.

Location: Willard J. Walker Hall (WJWH), Room 203, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (main campus).

Who Should Attend: Library and information professionals as well as ITS staff, research office administrators, and others who provide research support services will find this workshop valuable.

Registration: There is no registration fee, and some meals and refreshments will be provided. Thanks to a generous grant from the Greater Western Library Alliance, University of Arkansas Libraries is pleased to offer this event at no charge to participants. But we ask that you do register no later than March 25, 2017.

Here, you will find all the information you need about the lodging, travel, parking and the City of Fayetteville.

If you have questions or if you need assistance, please contact: Melody Herr, Head, Office of Scholarly Communications,, 479-575-4233

Browse the contents of Research Data Management Workshop:

Data Management Workshop 2017