The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:
Category | online | |
Dissertations |
1953-2006 in MAIN 1950s-2012 in Special Collections |
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks 1950s - present indexed in ProQuest |
Master's theses |
1910s-2006 in MAIN 1910s-2012 in Special Collections |
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006. |
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Effects of Varied Fertilization, Tillage, and Supplementation Strategies on Grazing Steers and Wheat Pasture Performance, Cody Everett Gruber
Alternative Methods for Finishing Beef Cattle: Effects on Performance, Carcass Quality, and Meat Characteristics, Michelle Johnson
Evaluating the Effects of 6-day and 7-day Fixed-time Artificial Insemination protocols using Sex-sorted Semen on Pregnancy in Beef Cattle, Nicole Noel Noga
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Effects of Supplemental Trace Minerals as Amino Acid Complexed or Inorganic Sources for Beef Cattle from Receiving through Finishing, Robin Ashley Cheek
Influence of Pregnant Cattle Grazing Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue on Offspring Immune Function, Sidney Nicole Dunkel
Investigation of Consumer Freezing Practices, Condition and Duration on Palatability of Beef, Elizabeth Sue Neal
The Effects of Probiotics and Environment on the Swine Gut Microbiome, Bin Zuo
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effects of an injectable zinc solution at weaning as an alternative castration method in beef cattle, Reagan Nicole Cauble
Identification of Possible Vectors for Histomoniasis in Turkeys on Commercial Farms in Arkansas and Oklahoma, Treva Dillon
Using Condensed Tannin to Mitigate Tall Fescue Toxicosis, Ally Jo Grote
Intestinal Microbiota Analysis of Broiler Chickens under Necrotic Enteritis Challenge and Tributyrin Supplementation, Taylor Nicole McKinney
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Methods to Reducing Weaning Stress in Early Weaned Spring Beef Calves, Matthew Daniel Hahn
Relationship of Underline Scores and Production Traits in Beefmaster Cattle, Bryan R. Kutz
Effects of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors on Meat Quality and Muscle Biology of Livestock, Yongjie Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Biogeography of the Bovine Respiratory Microbiome and Its Relationship with Bovine Respiratory Disease, Jianmin Chai
Evaluation of Different Ensiling Methods on Storage and Feeding Value of the Residual Material from Edamame Soybean Processing, Ellen Herring
Effect of the Prospect of Transport on Captive Tiger Behavior and Fecal Cortisol in Naïve and Experienced Tigers, Callan Lichtenwalter
Effect of Feed Additives and Toxic Elements on Swine Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Immune Function and Reproductive Performance, Richard A. Mudarra Hernández
Associations Among Beef Cattle Genotypes, Neospora Caninum Infection, and Reproductive Performance, Ryan James Page
Effects of Lasalocid and Energy Supplementation on Forage Intake, Energy Metabolism, and Performance of Cattle Grazing Wheat Pasture, Autumn Tayler Pickett
Metatranscriptomics Analysis of Ileum Microbial Communities in Necrotic Enteritis Chickens, Ruchita Uttarwar
Effects of Commercial Feed Additives on Growth Performance and Gut Microbiota of Nursery Pigs, Xiaoyuan Wei
Evaluation of anthelmintic therapies in a fall calving beef cowherd, Laine Zammit
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Effects of 50:50 proportion Bull:Cow Blend Levels and Incorporation of Finely Textured Beef on the Color of Precooked Ground Beef Patties, Colton Allen Althaber
Establishing an Ideal Inclusion Rate of Fermented Soybean Meal and Sodium Butyrate on Growth Performance, Complete Blood Cell Count, and Nutrient Utilization in Nursery Pigs, Kristopher A. Bottoms
Methods to Evaluate Ruminant Animal Production Responses, Jose Manuel Diaz Gomez
The Effects of Foot and Udder Scoring on Cow and Calf Performance, Clayton Lee McGuire
Strategies to Improve Forage Utilization by Sheep Offered Forage Mixtures, Valens Niyigena
Characterization of the Swine Gut Microbiome Dynamics, Culturomics and Probiotics, Xiaofan Wang
Technologies to Increase Animal Performance in Beef Production Systems, Caleb P. Weiss
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Zinc Injection as a Novel Castration Method and Carry-Over Effects of Growth-Promoting Implants in Beef Cattle, Jase Joseph Ball
Investigation of Bacterial Taxa as Biomarkers of Fescue Toxicosis and Heat Stress in Grazing Beef Cows, Sarah Katherine Chewning
The Effects of Super-dosing Phytase on Nursery and Grower Pigs, Joshua Paul Knapp
The Vaginal Microbiome Related to Reproductive Traits in Beef Heifers, Maryanna Wells McClure
Effect of Yeast Supplementation During Various Stages of Beef Production, Elizabeth Palmer
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Improvement in Simple Artificial Insemination in Sheep Using Chilled Extended Semen and Consideration of Fertility in Ewes, Mohan Acharya
Effect of Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Toxins on Growth Performance and the Microbial Community in the Rumen and Feces in Pregnant Ewes, Saleh Alrashedi
Supplemental Trace Minerals (Zn, Cu, and Mn) as Sulfates or Hydroxy Trace Mineral Sources for Beef Heifers, Randy Hunter Burnett
A Study of the Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Goats Obtained from Northwest Arkansas, Christine Rose Weingartz
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Evaluation of Long-Acting Eprinomectin Compared to Conventional Anthelmintics in Cow/Calf Production, Elizabeth Ann Backes
Age End-Point Effects on Performance, Carcass Measurements, and Tenderness in Goats, Kelsey Lynn Basinger
Efficacy of a Novel Intranasal Zinc Solution on the Microbiome, Health, and Growth Performance of High-risk, Newly Received Stocker Cattle, Makenzie Foster
Effect of Delayed Wrapping and Wrapping Source on Intake and Digestibility of Alfalfa Silage in Gestating Sheep, Valens Niyigena
Relationship Among Genetic and Physiological Biomarkers, and Horse Characteristics, Casey Orr
Effects of Enhancement Solution pH on Fresh and Cooked Color of Dark-Cutting Beef, Ryan Stackhouse
Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation of Reduced Crude Protein (RCP) Diets on the Performance and Carcass Quality of Growing-Finishing Swine, Ashley Nicole Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Prediction of Superovulatory Response in Beef Cows Based on Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Antral Follicle Number, Keith Center
The Effect of Alternative Fertilization and Application Time on Voluntary Intake of Forages, Jessica Clark
Improving Production Efficiency of Beef Cow-Calf Operations, Amanda Jo Davis
Electrostatic Atomization Of Antimicrobial Treatments On Ground Beef Processing, Instrumental Color, Sensory Color, Taste and Aroma Characteristics, Jorge Abraham Marcos
Investigations into the Incidence and Control of Selected Parasites and Pathogens which Infect Arkansas Horses, Stephanie Ann O'Berg Rainbolt
Grass Finishing Systems for Lambs, Erin Leigh Smyth
Investigations Into the Cross-Infectivity of Nematode Parasites of Cattle and Sheep, Eva Marie Wray
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Improving Lamb Performance with Sericea Lespedeza and Molybdenum, Mohan Acharya
Influence of Steroids and Gonadotropins on Reproduction in Beef Cattle, Thomas L. Devine
Effect of Limit-Fed Co-Product Feedstuffs on Production, Digestion, Fermentation and Rumen Function in Beef Cattle, William Brandon Smith
Balking Incidence and Behavioral Responses during Handling in Fed Cattle with Genetic and Carcass Implications, Michelle Lynn Thomas
Evaluation of Porcine IPEC-J2 Cell Line Growth Rate and Immune Response to E. coli (0111:B4) LPS, Xiaofan Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Management of Katahdin Hair Sheep, Elizabeth Ann Backes
Effects of Ergot Alkaloids and Bovine Bodily Fluids on Cytochrome P450 Activity, Nicholas Scott Ezell
The Color and Consistency of Steaks and Ground Beef Produced from Mature Bulls, Jace Joseph Hollenbeck
Influence of Horn Flies and Breed Type on Milk Production, Calf Production Traits, Pasture Behavior, and Temperament Measurements in Beef Cattle, Angela Rene Mays
Relationship of Lactate Dehydrogenase & Prolactin Genotypes to Immune Function, Growth, and Composition of Replacement Heifers Grazing Tall Fescue, Christina Marie Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Influence of Nutritional Modifications on Sow, Litter, and Nursery Performance, Benjamin Edward Bass
The Impact of Selected Forage Legumes on Cattle Performance, Forage Production, and Soil Quality, and Evaluation of Legume Persistence under Grazing, Bradley Edward Briggs
Timing of Castration, with or without Analgesia, on Growth Performance, Hematology, and Behavior of Beef Calves, April C. Brown
Relationship of Polymorphisms in The FSH Beta Subunit Gene With Reproduction in Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus Cattle, Amanda Jo Davis
Evaluation of Internal Markers for Predicting Digestibility and Fecal Output by Cattle Fed Bermudagrass Hays of Varying Quality, Juvenal Kanani
Maternal Environment and Fescue Cultivar Effects on Growth, Development, and Fertility of Beef Heifers, Jennifer Denyse Patterson
Effects of Respiratory Vaccination Timing and Hormonal Growth Implant on Health, Performance, and Immunity of Newly Received Stocker Calves, Kimberly Denise Poe
Growth Promoting Implants and Nutrient Restriction Prior to Feeding: Effect on Carcass Composition, Carcass Quality, and Consumer Acceptability of Beef, Jessica Ann Robinette
Effects of Management Strategies and Molecular Breeding Values on Cattle Performance and Carcass Traits, Benjamin Collins Williamson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Effects of Ergot Alkaloids and Antioxidants on Bovine Sperm Motility, Ryan James Page
Mitigation of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex: Interactions of Physiology, Immunology, Nutrition and Management, John Thomas Richeson
Effect of Supplemental Trace Mineral Source (Organic versus Inorganic) on Bull Semen Quality, Matt Rowe
Effects of Osteopontin Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Bull Semen Quality, Chance L. Williams