Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
field observations, alternative water resources
The environmental evaluation report which follows is based on information supplied by the Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, available literature, field observations made during the summer of 1972, and results of research now in progress on natural features of the Big Mulberry Basin. Since most major dams, levees, and flood retarding structures now in existence in the Ozarks have been constructed since about 1940, opportunities to make long term studies of their effects have been limited. Also, the natural vegetation, fauna, and archeology of the Big Mulberry Basin have not been extensively investigated, but available sources provide enough information for at least some reasonably sound predictions as to the effects of alternative water resource uses.
Dale, Edward E. Jr.. 1974. Environmental Evaluation Report on the Big Mulberry Creek Basin in Franklin, Madison, Newton, Johnson and Crawford Counties, Arkansas. Arkansas Water Resource Center, Fayetteville, AR. PUB021. 51
Report Number
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Environmental Monitoring Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Water Resource Management Commons