Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Degree Level



Biological Sciences


Almodovar, Jorge

Committee Member

Kral, Timothy

Second Committee Member

Pinto, Ines

Third Committee Member

Aloia, Lindsey


This honors thesis aims to investigate the reusability and performance of cell coatings for cell therapy applications. Cell therapy, which involves the use of human cells to repair or replace damaged tissues, holds immense potential for medical advancements. However, ensuring the survival and functionality of transplanted cells remains a significant challenge. We focused on studying the effectiveness of coatings applied to cells for improved cell growth and viability. The research project involved the preparation of the coatings using a layer-by-layer method and the subsequent seeding of cells. The coated cells were then subjected to a series of experiments to assess their growth and survival rates. By trypsinizing and reseeding the cells, we aimed to explore the potential for reusing the coatings and their impact on cell performance. Our findings demonstrate that cell coatings offer a promising approach for enhancing cell therapy outcomes. The data revealed that the coated cells exhibited a higher number of cells than the control group, showing improved cell growth and survival. These findings have significant implications for the development of improved strategies for cell transplantation and tissue regeneration. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge in the field of cell therapy and provides insights into the design and optimization of coatings for enhanced cell survival and function. The outcomes of this study have the potential to positively impact the field of regenerative medicine and pave the way for more effective cell-based therapies in the future.


chemistry; cell therapy; coatings; heparin; collagen; cell viability
