Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)
Degree Level
Curriculum and Instruction
Pijanowski, John C.
Committee Member
Lasater, Kara A.
Second Committee Member
Smith, Christy L.
Barriers, Implementation, SEL, Self-efficacy, Social and Emotional Learning
The purpose of this study was to identify factors that served as barriers to the successful implementation of social and emotional learning in the classroom and school setting. This study utilized a reflective case study approach concerning USD 417’s social and emotional learning implementation journey.
The research questions for this study were: 1. What factors or conditions serve as barriers to the implementation of SEL in the classroom and school setting? 2. What resources or supports would lead to increased fidelity amongst teachers in the implementation of SEL in the classroom and school setting?
The reflections and data were used to identify common themes regarding barriers to social and emotional learning implementation. Four domains were conjectured as areas having a direct impact on the self-efficacy of staff members in USD 417. In turn, the low self-efficacy of many staff members initially compromised the fidelity of the implementation process for social and emotional learning programs. These four domains are competing value systems, emotional overload, cognitive deficit, and locus of control/lack of internal motivation.
Dody, A. (2022). The SEL Implementation Monkey: Identifying Factors that Serve as Barriers to the Successful Implementation of SEL in the Classroom and School Setting. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from
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