Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Adult and Lifelong Learning (EdD)

Degree Level



Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods


Kit Kacirek

Committee Member

Roessger, Kevin

Second Committee Member

Samuels, Mandel G.


paper manufacturing women leaders, Social cognitive theory, success factors of women leaders, women in non-traditional occupations, women leaders, women leaders in male-dominated industries


The purpose of this study is to understand how women describe their journey to becoming senior leaders within the operations sector of the Paper Manufacturing Industry. This study will provide insights about how women in the male-dominated Paper Manufacturing Industry (PMI) assumed leadership positions. This pre-registered study will offer the framework for this study to be carried out at the University of Arkansas. The researcher will apply a descriptive phenomenological approach that will use semi-structured questions to understand the strategies they used to navigate their career path. Snowball sampling will be used to select 5-15 participants who provide their perceptions and lived experiences to describe the obstacles to advancement faced in the United States PMI, and how they can be overcome. To examine how senior women leaders in the PMI navigate the socio-cultural landscape of a male-dominated field, the following research question will be examined: What strategies do women in the United States PMI use to advance to senior leadership positions within manufacturing operations?
