Volume 43 (1989)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Preliminary Evaluation of a Dodder Anthracnose Fungus from China as a Mycoherbicide for Dodder Control in the US
D. K. Cartwright and George E. Templeton
Bacterial Quality of Private Water Wells in Clark County, Arkansas
S. Conine, D. Cox, K. Mitchell, Clark Kuyper, and Jimmy D. Bragg
Allelopathic Observations in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Ducksalad (Heteranthera limosa)
R. H. Dilday, Paolo Nastasi, and Roy J. Smith Jr.
Blackland Prairies of Southwestern Arkansas
Thomas L. Foti
Integrated Circuits Interconnect Metallization for the Submicron Age
Kamesh V. Gadepally and Roger M. Hawk
Versatile Potentiostat with Optional Computer Control
Gary L. Fuller, William A. Russell Jr., Roger M. Hawk, James D. Wilson, and P. D. Bratton
Distribution and Status of Shrews in Arkansas
Diana A. Garland and Gary A. Heidt
7Li NMR of Normal Human Erythrocytes
Rao P. Gullapalli, Roger M. Hawk, and Richard A. Komoroski
Genetic and Plant Growth Regulator Manipulation of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Mesocotyl and Coleoptile Lengths
R. S. Helms, R. H. Dilday, M. A. Mgonja, and S. Amonsilpa
Age Assessment of White Bass from Otoliths, Dorsal Spines and Scales
Raj V. Kilambi and Thoniot T. Prabhakaran
Arkansas' Incendiary Wildfire Record: 1983-1987
Richard A. Kluender, L. C. Thompson, R. J. McFarland, and D. M. Steigerwald
Hemoglobin Subunit-Subunit Affinity-Determinant of Hemoglobin Formation
Ali Mansouri and Inge R. Carter
In vitro Culture of Several Rice Cultivars
A. F. Mirlohi, Lyell F. Thompson, R. H. Dilday, Feng H. Huang, and Jameel M. Al-Khayri
Soil Micromorphologic Features of Holocene Surface Weathering and a Possible Late Quaternary Buried Soil, Northwest Arkansas
Diane Phillips and Margaret J. Guccione
Characterization of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Roots Versus Root Pulling Resistance as Selection Indices for Draught Tolerance
Mazo Price, R. H. Dilday, and Arthur L. Allen
Computer-Controlled Programmable Pulse Generator for a JEOL JNM-FT-1A Radio Frequency Amplifier Section of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
William H. Russell and Roger M. Hawk
Reproduction of Lindera melissafolia in Arkansas
Robert D. Wright
Bats of the Ouachita Mountains
David A. Saugey, Darrell R. Heath, and Gary A. Heidt
Concept Association
Sally Yeates Sedelow
Dental Pathology in Selected Carnivores from Arkansas
C. Renn Tumlison, J. D. Wilhide, and V. Rick McDaniel
Concept Decomposition
Walter A. Sedelow Jr.
Preparation of a Series of Pyridyl Phenylureas of Potential Agricultural Interest
Frank L. Setliff, Steve H. Rankin, and Mark W. Milstead
Mammals of Southwestern Arkansas Part II. Rodents
Tim W. Steward, V. Rick McDaniel, and Daniel R. England
Mammals of Southwestern Arkansas Part III. Carnivores
Tim W. Steward, V. Rick McDaniel, and Daniel R. England
Image Processing Instrumentation for Giardia lamblia Detection
Cy R. Tamanaha and Mark A. Gross
Distributional Survey of Eastern Collared Lizard, Crotaphytus collaris collaris (Squamata: Iguanidae), Within the Arkansas River Valley of Arkansas
Stanley E. Trauth
Female Reproductive Traits of the Southern Leopard Frog, Rana sphenocephala (Anura: Ranidae), from Arkansas
Stanley E. Trauth
Reproduction and Larval Development in the Marbled Salamander, Ambystoma opacum (Caudata: Ambystomatidae), from Arkansas
Stanley E. Trauth, Walter E. Meshaka Jr., and Brian P. Butterfield
General Notes
Photoreactivation of Chromatid Deletions Induced by UV-Irradiation of G1 Phase Hamster X Xenophus Hybrid Cells
Joel Staggers and H. Gaston Griggs
Preliminary Survey of the Collemba of Magazine Mountain, Logan Co., Arkansas
S. A. Tedder and Robert T. Allen
Reproduction in the Wood Frog, Rana sylvatica (Anura: Ranidae), from Arkansas
Stanley E. Trauth, Michael E. Cartwright, and Walter E. Meshaka Jr.
Photoreactivation of the Effect of UV Light on Gamma Ray Induced Chromosome Aberration Production in G1 Phase Xenophus Cells
Rebecca Rowe and H. Gaston Griggs
Rediscovery of Halesia diptera Ellis (Styracaceae) in Arkansas
Raymond G. Erickson
Synopsis of the Laccophilinae (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of Arkansas
Mitchell K. Marks and George L. Harp
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
73rd Annual Meeting, 1989. Program
Academy Editors
Publication Policies and Suggestions for Authors
Academy Editors
- Editor
- Harvey Barton
- Newsletter Editor
- Richard A. Kluender
- Biota Editor
- Leo J. Paulissen
- Associate Editors
- George E. Templeton
- George L. Harp
- W. Donald Newton
- Carol J. Peck
- John T. Thurmond
- Mostafa Hemmati
- Gary A. Heidt