Volume 66 (2012)
Entire Issue
Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science - Volume 66 2012
Academy Editors
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Academy Editors
Acknowledgment of the major sponsors of the Academy: Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission; Ouachita National Forest
Academy Editors
Tribute to Dr. George and Phoebe Harp
Academy Editors
In Memoria: Art Fry, 1921-2011
Collis Geren
Journal Acknowledgments
Academy Editors
Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminum-doped ZnO/PANI Hybrid Solar Cells
S. AbdulAlmohsin, S. M. Al-Mutoki, and Z. Li
Electrochemical Polymerization of PPy-MWCNT composite as a Counter Electrode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
S. AbdulAlmohsin, S. M. Al-Mutoki, and Z. Li
Al/PANI-MWNT/Au-Plastic Schottky Diode Solar Cells
S. AbdulAlmohsin, S. M. Al-Mutoki, and Z. Li
Characterization of temporal and spatial variation in subwatersheds of the Strawberry River, AR, prior to implementation of agricultural best management practices
T. R. Brueggen-Boman and J. L. Bouldin
Possible new Arkansas endemic plant revealed by DNA sequence analysis, A
K. P. Fawley, C. T. Witsell, M. W. Fawley, J. S. Breedlove, R. J. Brockman, A. C. Humphrey, J. M. Lawson, K. N. McCallie, D. A. Prescott, J. T. Rushing, and J. M. Whitaker
Status, Dispersal, and Breeding Biology of the Exotic Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in Arkansas
J. M. Fielder, R. Kannan, D. A. James, and J. Cunningham
Establishing Baseline Nutrient and Sediment Input in the Lower Cache River Watershed, AR
A. M. Gilmer, C. A. Rosado-Berrios, and J. L. Bouldin
Retrospective Epidemiologic Analysis of Influenza Pandemics in Arkansas, A
A. J. Gray, D. Nguyen, and B. M. Rowley
Comparing Methods for Interpolation to Improve Raster Digital Elevation Models
J. C. Guarneri and R. C. Weih Jr.
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Sprayed ZnO and ZnO:Ga Thin Films
N. F. Habubi, S. S. Chiad, S. Jabbar, and W. Jabbar
Theoretical Justification for Bond Valence -- Bond Length Empirical Correlations
F. D. Hardcastle and S. Laffoon
Understanding Floristic Diversity Though a Database of Greene County Specimens
K. M. Harris, M. B. Foard, and T. D. Marsico
Current Range in Lightning Return Strokes
M. Hemmati, W. P. Childs, D. C. Waters, J. R. Christensen, and B. C. Richard
Impervious Surface Area Change in Arkansas from 2001 to 2006
D. E. Long II and R. C. Weih Jr.
Distribution, Life History Aspects, and Conservation Status of the Spothanded Crayfish, Orconectes (Procericambarus) punctimanus (Creaser) (Decapoda: Cambaridae), in Arkansas
C. T. McAllister and H. W. Robison
Interacting Dark Energy Models and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem
H. Shojaei, C. Smith, and D. Waters
Effects of Drosophila Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase on Wing Growth
M. J. Stewart and J. L. Hunt
Analysis of Human TACC3 in Cellular Responses to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Ivan H. Still and B. Lauffart
Using infrared imagery to estimate white-tailed deer populations on the Pine Bluff Arsenal
D. M. Techentin, E. S. Boyd, W. E. Sparks, and R. E. Kissell Jr.
Summary of Previous and New Records of the Least Darter (Etheostoma microperca) in Arkansas
B. K. Wagner, M. D. Kottmyer, and M. E. Slay
General Notes
New Vertebrate Records and Natural History Notes from Arkansas
M. B. Connior, R. Tumlison, and H. W. Robison
The Southern Arkansas University Biodiversity Collections
S. E. Krosnick and K. S. Dockter
New Host and Geographic Distribution Record for the Leech, Myzobdella reducta (Annelida: Hirudinida: Rhynchobdellida: Piscicolidae), from Arkansas
C. T. McAllister, W. E. Moser, D. J. Richardson, and H. W. Robison
New Geographic Distribution Records for Centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) in Arkansas, Including the First from Crowley's Ridge and the Grand Prairie
C. T. McAllister, H. W. Robison, L. C. Thompson, and M. B. Connior
New Geographic Distribution Records for Horsehair Worms (Nematomorpha: Gordiida) in Arkansas, Including New State Records for Chordodes morgani and Paragordius varius
H. W. Robison, C. T. McAllister, and B. Hanelt
History and Current Status of Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) in Northwestern Arkansas
K. G. Smith and D. A. Fames
Demographics of Mole Salamanders (Ambystoma talpoideum) in a Northeastern Arkansas Pond
J. W. Stanley, J. R. Engelbert, M. K. Patrick, J. A. Sawyer, and S. E. Trauth
Arkansas Academy Annual Meeting reports
Business meeting report (Secretary's and Treasurer's Report)
Academy Editors
Keynote Speaker and Meeting Program
David Gross and Academy Editors
- Editor-in-Chief
- Mostafa Hemmati
- Managing Editor
- Ivan H. Still
- Biota Editor
- Douglas A. James
- Associate Editors
- C. Geren
- B. Doria
- F. Hardcastle