Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Gilmet, Kelsey

Committee Member

Driggers, Laura


As new resources and centers are being developed to allow victims of sexual assault to feel a sense of security and privacy during one of the most violating experiences of their lives, it does not decrease the prevalence of sexual assault cases in the United States, nor does it decrease the stereotype of sexual assault and the victims that are affected. Since June of 2018, I have had the opportunity to intern with the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner at the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Benton and Washington Counties in Northwest Arkansas, which provide victims of sexual assault with the resources that were at one point not easily accessible or available. During my internship, I was able to learn in-depth about what goes on behind the scenes when a victim has been sexually assaulted. My experiences throughout my internship have allowed me to learn therapeutic communication on a deeper level, the importance of being an advocate for your patients, and giving each patient the autonomy that they are entitled to no matter what the circumstances are.


sexual assault; forensic nursing; SANE; therapeutic communication
