Date of Graduation


Document Type

UAF Access Only - Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





VanWinkle, Holly

Committee Member/Reader

Franks, Lisa


Scottish Rite for Children is known worldwide for treating children with conditions like scoliosis, clubfoot, hand differences, hip disorders, neurological and learning disorders, sports injuries, and fractures. Their team of orthopedic surgeons, clinical physicians, nurses, physical therapists, athletic trainers, psychologists, and other specialists work with patients to return them safely to their everyday activities. The mission is to give patients the best in care regardless of their ability to pay. Scottish Rite keeps this promise to every patient receiving care through their Crayon Care financial assistance program, allowing for the focus to be solely on their recovery. I had the opportunity to complete a 12-week summer internship program at the Scottish Rite for Children Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center that opened in fall of 2018, and focuses mainly on treating fractures, orthopedic issues, and sports injuries. Orthopedics and sports medicine are of special interest to me as I have a personal history of scoliosis and dance-related back injuries from childhood.


Child physiological conditions, sports injuries, sports medicine, orthopedics, scoliosis, injuries
