Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Scott, Allison

Committee Member

Shreve, Marilou

Second Committee Member

Vowell-Johnson, Kelly


The purpose of this project was to evaluate compliance with the teaching and documentation of safe sleep practices within a pediatric unit. The objective was to increase the percentage of the charts of patients one year of age and younger that have documented safe sleep teaching at the level of compliance with the department policy. This change in compliance was measured by determining the percentage of patient charts having documented safe sleep teaching at the level of compliance prior to the implementation of mandatory staff education as compared to the percentage of charts with documented safe sleep teaching at the level of compliance after the quality improvement education. The current percentage of documentation compliance with the pediatric department policy on Safe Sleep Teaching is less than 40%. The goal is 100% of the charts will have documentation of safe sleep teaching each shift per department policy.
