Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Lofton, Ann

Committee Member/Reader

Smith-Blair, Nancy J

Committee Member/Second Reader

Lee, Peggy B., 1950-

Committee Member/Third Reader

Boyd, Teri M


Clinical education is an essential aspect of nursing education, where student nurses gain their first insight into the nursing world along with hands-on experience in skills vital to nursing care. This education relies heavily on the guidance and interaction of the nurse preceptor, a relationship that varies in quality and is in need of defining and role development. The purpose of this qualitative observational study was to further delve into the relationship of the nursing student and the nurse preceptor in a clinical education setting, identifying factors which currently are holding this relationship back from reaching its full potential: a relationship of cooperation that allows for optimal learning and ultimately improving patient care. The need for this quality improvement endeavor was identified through a series of surveys and focus group interviews, which allowed a better understanding of both the students' feelings on this subject and the changes they felt needed to occur. Our hope is that this quality improvement project will be able to identify definitive areas of improvement from both students and preceptors, which will allow for future interventions to bring this relationship to its optimum level


Boyd, Teri M
