Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Degree Level



Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders


Haghighi, Mohammad

Committee Member/Reader

Danley, Jessica


Aphasia is primarily a neurological language disorder, which can also affect cognition, attention, and executive functioning skills. In recent years, researcher has taken an interest in understanding quality of life for people with aphasia, specifically communicative confidence, social relationships, and identity. The aim of this study was to determine how communicative confidence and social relationships affect a person’s identity, as well as the importance of therapy groups. We designed and used confidence and independence survey scales pre-aphasia, post-aphasia but before attending aphasia therapy groups, and post-aphasia and after having attended aphasia therapy groups. We also asked clarifying questions based on participants’ answers received from the survey scales. We found that social relationships are the driving force to building communicative confidence and renegotiating identity for a person with aphasia. We also found that therapy groups were impactful for providing our participants with opportunities to communicate freely.


aphasia, communicative confidence, quality of life, identity, social relationships, group therapy
