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Farm Service Agency, guaranteed loans, loss rates, farm loans
The Farm Service Agency guaranteed loan program is an important source of credit for family-sized farming operations in Arkansas and the other states of the U.S. This program provides loan guarantees to borrowers who are otherwise unable to obtain credit from traditional lenders at reasonable rates and terms. This study identifies those factors related to the program’s loss claim rate performance over the years fiscal 1989 through 1998 using state-level data from forty states. For both the operating loan and farm ownership loan programs, farm operator financial variables, interest rates, and commercial bank characteristics are found to be statistically significant variables in explaining loss claim rate variation.
Settlage, L. A., Dixon, B. L., Ahrendsen, B. L., & Koenig, S. R. (2001). Models of Farm Service Agency Guaranteed Loan Loss Claim Rates in the U.S. for 1990-1998. Research Reports and Research Bulletins. Retrieved from
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