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Most research can be submitted directly to ScholarWorks@UARK by the author. Click on the link to your desired publication series listed below to submit your research. You'll need to login with your ScholarWorks@UARK account (separate from your university login) to submit. Don't have an account? Review the Author Guidelines for instructions on creating an account and submission guidance.
Graduate Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations are submitted electronically to ProQuest following the protocol established by the Graduate School. Papers are automatically included in ScholarWorks@UARK unless you elect to embargo during the ProQuest submission process. Detailed information can be found here.
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- Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences, Dale Bumpers College of
- Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
- Agricultural Education, Communications & Technology
- Animal Science
- Apparel Merchandising and Product Development
- Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences
- Entomology and Plant Pathology
- Food Science
- General Human Environmental Sciences
- Horticulture
- Human Development, Family Sciences and Rural Sociology
- Human Nutrition and Hospitality Innovation
- Poultry Science
- Architecture and Design, Fay Jones School of
- Architecture
- FAY Design Virtual Education
- Interior Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Arkansas Archeological Survey
- Arkansas Archeological Survey Academic Papers
- Arkansas Archeological Survey Technical Papers
- The Popular Series
- The Research Series
- Arkansas Global Changemakers
- People, Planet, and Profit Consultancy Project
- Research and Social Innovation
- Arkansas Humanities Center
- Faculty Book Talks
- Nelson Hackett Project
- Research Talks
- Arkansas Water Resources Center
- Arkansas Bulletin of Water Research
- Arkansas Water Resource Center Fact Sheets
- Arkansas Water Resources Center Technical Reports
- Arts and Sciences, J. William Fulbright College of
- Anthropology
Art, School of
- School of Art Faculty Publications and Presentations
- School of Art Student Exhibitions
- School of Art Teaching and Learning
- School of Art Undergraduate Honors Theses
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Communication
- English
- Center for Advanced Spatial Technology
- Geosciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
- Geosciences Undergraduate Honors Theses
- History
- International and Global Studies
- Journalism and Strategic Media, School of
- Mathematical Sciences
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychological Science
- Social Work, School of
- Sociology and Criminology
- Theatre
- World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Business, Sam M. Walton College of
- Accounting
- Economics
- Finance
- Information Systems
- Management
- Marketing
- Supply Chain Management, J. B. Hunt Transport Department of
- Center for Business & Economic Research
- Labor Market Survey
- Publications and Presentations
- State of the Northwest Arkansas Region Report
- Urban League of the State of Arkansas
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Diet, Food, Exercise, and Nutrition (D-FEND)
- Seminars
- Summer Short Courses
- Center for Power Optimization of Electro-Thermal Systems (POETS)
- Research Experience for Teachers (RET)
- Community Design Center
- Community Design Center Faculty Publications and Presentations
- Community Design Center Project Reports
- Community & Family Institute
- COVID-19
- Food Insecurity
- Health
- Homelessness
- Obesity
- Poverty
- Diane D. Blair Center of Southern Politics & Society
- Blair Center Poll
- Division of Agriculture
- Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station
- Education and Health Professions, College of
- Communication Disorders and Occupational Therapy
- Counseling, Leadership and Research Methods
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Education Reform
- Health, Human Performance and Recreation
- Nursing, The Eleanor Mann School of
- Engineering, College of
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Data Science
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Graduate School and International Education
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Environmental Dynamics
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Microelectronics-Photonics
- Public Policy
- Space and Planetary Science
- Statistics and Analytics
- Honors College
- Honors College Faculty Publications and Presentations
- Honors College Teaching and Learning
- Integrative Systems Neuroscience
- Publications and Presentations
- Office for Education Policy
- Arkansas Education Reports
- Education Report Card
- Policy Briefs
- Resiliency Center
- Food Systems
- Water Systems
- School of Law
- Annual of the Arkansas Natural Resources Law Institute
- Arkansas Law Notes
- School of Law Faculty Publications and Presentations
- Terrorism Research Center
- Research Projects
- The Multicultural Center
- Multicultural Student Works
- Multicultural Teaching and Learning
- The Teaching Academy
- The Teaching Academy Publications
- University Libraries
- University Libraries Faculty Publications and Presentations
- University Libraries Teaching and Learning
- Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center
- TFSC Publications and Presentations