Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Degree Level



Biological Sciences


Lee, Sun-Ok

Committee Member

Alverson, Andrew

Second Committee Member

Tipsmark, Christian

Third Committee Member

Funkhouser, Eric M.


Cancer remains a leading cause of death in the state of Arkansas and across the United States. Recent research found that peanuts consumption has been correlated with a decreased risk of cancer. Although limited research has been conducted, phenolic antioxidant compounds found in peanuts, arachidin-1 and arachidin-3, are correlated to a decrease in human leukemia and lung cancer cell growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-colon cancer effects of these compounds. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of purified arachidin-1 and arachidin-3 on Caco-2 cell proliferation. Treatment of cells with arachidin-1 (0, 1, 5, 10µM) and arachidin-3 (0, 5, 10, 20µM) were measured at time points 0, 24, and 48 hours. There was cell reduction for 10 and 20µM treatments of arachidin-3 at time point 24 hours, but no other significant reduction was found. The findings suggest that arachidin-1 and arachidin-3 did not inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells. Further research needs to be conducted to examine the effects of peanuts stilbenoids, arachidin-1 and archidin-3, as potential anticarcinogenic agents.


Cancer; Peanut; Leukemia; Lung cancer
