

Wild animals, parasite detection


Raccoons, skunks, and opossums (N=57, 60, and 60, respectively) were necropsied for parasite detection and identification from September, 2001 until April, 2002. Qualitative coprological exams and adult Baylisascaris collections have been completed. Fecal stages and/or types found were Baylisascaris and Strongyloides-type (skunks and raccoons); Capillaria and Trichostrongyletype (raccoons and opossums); Acanthacephalan and ascarid type (opossums only); free larvae (skunks only); and coccidial (protozoan) oocysts (all three host species). Adult Baylisascaris were recovered from 33.3% of the raccoons and 58.3% of the skunks. Data collection relative to this survey, which is still ongoing, includes the determination of Sarcocystis prevalence in excised skunk and raccoon muscle as well as prevalence and magnitude of the numerous enteric helminths recovered from the three host animals.
