Volume 4 (2003)
Entire Issue
Discovery: The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences - Volume 4 2003
Several Authors
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Gregory J. Weidemann
The characteristics of consumers and producers using farmers’ markets
Walter Hugo Anez and Michael R. Thomsen
Propagation of thornless Arkansas blackberries by hardwood cuttings
Mark Bray, Curt C. Rom, and John R. Clark
Physicochemical properties and leaching behavior of eight U.S. long-grain rice cultivars as related to rice texture
Devon Cameron and Ya-Jane Wang
Watershed-scale agricultural land-use impact on instream physicochemical parameters
William Dillahunty, Indrajeet Chaubey, and Marty Matlock
Chitosanase may enhance anti-fungal defense responses in transgenic tobacco
Bill L. Hendrix and James McD. Stewart
The effects of classic and variant infectious bursal disease viruses on lymphocyte populations in specific-pathogen-free White Leghorn chickens
Christina L. Johnson, Ashley K. Cox, April D. Keeter, Will J. Quinn, Gisela F. Erf, and Lisa A. Newberry
Phase-feeding affects crude protein intake, excretion, and retention of broilers from 21 to 63 days
Niki Loupe, Trey Pope, Padmakumar Pillai, and Jason Emmert
Changing career paths in environmental, soil, and water science and crop management: Survey results
Thalia M. Madewell, Kristofor Brye, and Mary C. Savin
Effect of Triticum turgidum cytoplasm on test weight of soft red winter wheat
Juan Mayta, Robert Bacon, John Kelly, and Edward Gbur
The effects of potential organic apple fruit thinners on gas exchange and growth of model apple trees: A model plant study of transient photosynthetic inhibitors and their effect on physiology and growth
Jason D. McAfee and Curt C. Rom
Evaluation of a new extraction system for rapid measurement of surface lipid content of rice for degree of milling estimation
Amanda Parker, Cynthia Rohrer, and Terry Siebenmorgen
Response of blackberry cultivars to nematode transmission of Tobacco ringspot virus
Alisha Sanny, John R. Clark, and Rose Gergerich
Effects of virus infection on release of volatile organic compounds from insect-damaged bean, Phaseolus vulgaris
Sarah E. Sossamon, Britney K. Jackson, B. Alison Drumwright, Kenneth L. Korth, and Gisela F. Erf
DNA sequence of melanocortin 1-receptor gene in Coturnix japonica: Correlation with three E locus alleles—E,e+, and erh
Rupali Ugrankar, Kim Cheng, and Ronald Okimoto
Soil particle-size analysis: A comparison of two methods
Lauren Williams-Caudle, Kristofor Brye, and E. Moye Rutledge
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Discovery Editors