Volume 5 (2004)
Entire Issue
Discovery: The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences - Volume 5 2004
Several Authors
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Gregory J. Weidemann
Effect of pig weaning age and commingling after the nursery phase on humoral and behavioral indicators of well-being and on growth performance
Sarah C. Authur, Mari E. Davis, Jason K. Apple, and Charles V. Maxwell
Method analysis of laboratory measures of stream sediment and water phosphorus equilibrium
Anna L. Erickson, Stephanie M. Williamson, and Brian E. Haggard
Laboratory-scale evaluation of incandescent and compact florescent lamps for poultry house lighting
Leanne Gabriel and Donald M. Johnson
Impact of dietary changes on hepatic homocysteine metabolism in young broilers
Fauna M. Ganson, Padmakumar Pillai, and Jason L. Emmert
Factors associated with student grades in Animal Physiology I
Margo Hale and Charles Rosenkrans
Evaluation of post-harvest disease resistance in blackberry genotypes
John-Paul Kidd, John R. Clark, Patrick Fenn, and Barbara Smith
A comparison of recently introduced instruments for measuring rice flour viscosity
Nettie Mathis, Linfeng Wang, and Terry J. Siebenmorgen
Effects of vegetation removal on native soil quality in eastern Arkansas
Lorena Moreno and Kristofor R. Brye
Soybean seed yield and quality under an ultra-short-season production system
Lorena Moreno, Tetsuaki Ishibashi, Pengyin Chen, and Patrick Fenn
Assessment and restoration of a neighborhood wetland invaded by exotic plant species
Ryan Neal, Kimberly R. Payne, Lorena Moreno, Graham Duffy, Jonathan Peck, and Mary C. Savin
Effects of thinking-aloud pair problem solving on the troubleshooting performance of undergraduate students in a power technology course
Michael L. Pate, George W. Wardlow, and Donald M. Johnson
Microbial biomass and nitrogen availability under the invasive plant species Lonicera japonica and native grasses in wetland soil
Kimberly R. Payne, Mary C. Savin, and Peter J. Tomlinson
Acaricidal efficacy of various agents in the treatment of naturally occurring Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Acari: Macronyssidae) infestations of chickens
Maggie Phillips, T. A. Yazwinski, C. A. Tucker, Jennifer Robins, Jeremy Powell, and Linda Stamps
Aerobic stability of heat and orchardgrass round-bale silage
Robert T. Rhein, Wayne K. Coblentz, Charles F. Rosenkrans Jr., and D. Wayne Kellog
A survey into the prevalence of parasitic helminths in broiler breeders
Anita Sarathi, Tom Yazwinski, Chris Tucker, and Jennifer Robins
Characterizing bean pod rot in Arkansas and Missouri
Jeremy H. Taylor and Craig S. Rothrock
Propagation of thornless blackberries utilizing adventitious shoots from root cuttings
Ellen Thompson, John R. Clark, and Curt C. Rom
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Discovery Editors