Volume 6 (2005)
Entire Issue
Discovery: The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences - Volume 6 2005
Several Authors
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Gregory J. Weidemann
Inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes by soy-protein edible film containing grape seed extract, nisin, and malic acid
Brittany Adams, T. Sivarooban, Navam S. Hettiarachchy, and M. G. Johnson
Effect of social status of dairy heifers on expression of estrus and subsequent fertility
Dawn A. Elkins and Rick W. Rorie
Level and source of supplemental selenium for beef steers
Scott Fry, Elizabeth B. Kegley, M. Ellen Davis, Michael D. Ratcliff, Douglas L. Galloway, and Ron A. Dvorak
Growth and development of tomato seedlings in sphagnum peat, vermiculite, and processed rice hull substrates
Matthew K. Nutt and Michael R. Evans
Incorporating glass transition concepts to explain rice milling-quality reductions during the drying process
Derek A. Schluterman and Terry J. Siebenmorgen
Effects of heating on hydrophobicity, viscosity, and gelling properties of soy products
Robert S. Walnofer, Navam S. Hettiarachchy, and Ronny Horax
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Discovery Editors